423 7 6

TW: alcohol use, smoking,
mentions of addiction


I stood in front of my mirror analyzing myself. A towel is wrapped around my waist. I put it on after I finished showering. My hair is wet, and my skin is sticky from all the condensation lingering in the bathroom.

I sigh and take a step back from my mirror, exiting my bathroom. I rub my eyes from the tiredness that's slowly taking over my body.

My body was aching slightly from the activities I did yesterday. Practice wasn't too bad, but it was conditioning day, so we ran extra laps, and did a shit ton of drills.

I was worn out from practice. The smartest idea would have been to go home, take a nice long shower, ice my body, and go to sleep. I however went for a dumber, but in my book a better option. I went home and showered. Instead of icing my body, I called some girl that I don't remember the name of to come over. Within fifteen minutes, she was at my house with a look of absolute hunger in her eyes dropping to her knees.

The pain I'm experiencing right now would make you think I regretted it, but in all honestly I didn't regret it one bit.

She was one of the better girls I've slept with. She was more fun than the girls I've been fucking recently. Now, was she my dream girl to sleep with...no. There were still things that she didn't want to do, that are big turn ons for me.

I wouldn't say I'm a freak or anything, but I am not the one to conform to the classic standards of vinilla sex being the only way high schoolers can fuck and not be weird.

I've got kinks, everyone does, but just because we are in high school and not adults doesn't mean we aren't allowed to start exploring.

Sadly everyone has it set in their mind the kinky, taboo sex is gross and weird. So I'm stuck having mediocre sex until I can escape this god forsaken town.

I walk over to my closet and pick out clothes to wear for the party that's happening tonight.

This is the first party that's being thrown for the school year. I know everyone from school is going, plus whoever else shows up. The fact that McKenna Ross is hosting it is interesting because she's never hosted a party before.

I hope it doesn't disappoint because the last thing I need is to spend my night at a shitty party.

I strip the towel off of my waist and throw on a pair of boxers. Next, I put on my loose grey jeans, a plain white shirt, and a grey, creme, and blue colored flannel. I decided to pair my outfit with my blue and white low top Jordan 1's.

I walk over to my dresser and start placing all my rings that I wear everyday back onto my fingers. I pick up my gold chain necklace and fasten it around my neck.

I grab my cologne that is sitting next to my jewelry and spritz some onto my neck and wrists. I place the cap back onto the bottle and set it back down in its spot.

I walk back over to my mirror that I was originally standing and give myself a once over before deciding that I look good.

I texted Hunter earlier, asking when they were going to be getting to my house to pick me up. He said thirty minutes, that was about twenty five minutes ago, so they should be getting here any minute now.

I grab my phone and my wallet and stuff them into my pocket. I walk around my room, making sure I'm not forgetting anything.

When I determine that there is nothing I'm forgetting, I walk over to my door, turn off my lights and walk out of my room.

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