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TW: mentions of drugs


There are many theories about the universe. Theories on how it came to exist, whether that be God being the one who created the world, or the Big Bang theory where some shit happened and the boom, the world appeared.

Whatever it may be I truly don't give a flying fuck on how the atmosphere, planets, stars, moecules, atoms, or any other thing that help make the universe came to be.

What I care more about is the theories on how the universe itself teaches lessons. They say that the universe causes certain things to happen in one's life to try and shine light or show someone a deeper meaning.

The universe may prevent someone from getting a job because a better opportunity is on its way. It may make a person move across the world, and even though the person might not want to, they end up loving their life because of all the things that new place brings them.

The universe is meticulous with what it does. Every little thing is meant to teach us a lesson whether it's a big lesson or the finest lesson like don't wear leather pants to a concert that is held in a hot and stuffy place.

Every setback, advancement, new thing, confusing thing, happy thing, sad thing and so on and so forth, is the universe's doing. Everything is because the universe says so.

What I'm confused about, is what lesson I'm needing to learn from Harry. What could he possibly teach or show me? What purpose could Harry have in my life?

I don't get why I'm being tested now, and that the person testing me is Harry. I mean I have avoided talking to him for five years. Now all of a sudden, I'm with him nearly every fucking day.

What the actual fuck is up with that

Like is he here to finally teach me the concept of patients? Is he here to teach me how to get a grip on my anger? How to take more lines without overdosing?

Fuck if I know, but I'm getting real sick of the universe testing me with him. I'm getting sick and fucking tired of constantly arguing with him, or getting ticked off. I naturally get angry really fucking quick, but with Harry he somehow makes me mad faster than anyone I know.

I don't understand what importance he is bringing to my life. I mean I guess he is the only person that I've ever talked to that seems to know and understand what goes on in my head. I can't fully say that is a fact for certain because I've only talked to him in a normal and civil way maybe twice.

It hurts my head to think about. He just runs his mouth at me with no care in the world, and that pisses me rightfully off. It makes me want to shut a locker door on his head multiple times until I see blood trickling down the side of his face.

It aggravates me that he thinks he can constantly say shit to me without repercussions. I don't know why, but I've been letting him off the hook for all those things. I've let him continue life with no punishment.

That's not happening anymore.

I mean it when I say, I will ruin him if he continues to try me. I will not talk to him, but snap at him. I will not be anything other than rude to him because that is what he deserves. He doesn't deserve anything better than that.

He somehow got my guard to come down a few times and that made me weak. I refuse to be like that around him, I will make his ass suffer, I don't care. I'm done playing games with him.

"Are you going to the big bonfire tonight?" Willy asks from beside me.

Him and I are both sitting in my car waiting for the last minute to go inside school. I got a call from him early in the morning from him begging me to pick him up for school.

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