Y/n's Period (REQUEST)

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  This was a request made by Todorok1Lover
  It's also a Techno x Reader, so yeah. I've never written anything like this before, so please bare with me here 😂

Y/n had already been having a bad week to begin with, so you can imagine how bad she took it when she started feeling the stomach cramps. It started on Tuesday.

It's probably nothing, she had thought then.

Looking back at it, it was a very stupid thought. She knew perfectly well that it was not nothing. It was clear that it was once again that time of the month.

That time when Mother Nature quite rudely decides to interrupt her day to day life and bash her on the head with a week of agonising pain and loads of bloody bed sheets. Great. Just what she needed right now.

She woke up with a groan. After a few minutes spent just staring at the ceiling and contemplating all of her previous life choices, she slowly got out of bed.

Immediately, she felt the disgustingly familiar feeling of blood pooling up in her pants, and the stomach cramps that came with it. Shit.

She whined, penguin trotting over to the bathroom. She really didn't want to have to deal with this right now.

In hindsight, she should've known. It's been over a month since her last period, and she's been enjoying a perfectly blood-and-painless few weeks for apparently just a little too long.

She realised with an even louder groan that she had ran out of tampons. Of course she had, just cuz why not?

So, she ended up reaching over to grab one of the pads instead. It'll do for now.


Like every day at this time for the past three months, Technoblade was sitting on the couch in their living room, waiting for Y/n to come down.

This was usually how it went. Techno was an early-riser, so he was always up by seven.

Y/n however had a sleep schedule more fucked up that your mum. Don't expect her to be down before nine, sometimes even eleven.

Though Techno was starting to get worried, as it was almost eleven already, and not a sound had been heard from the younger's room yet.

He was just starting to contemplate going upstairs and checking on her when he heard shuffling. Moments later, a seemingly very disgruntled Y/n plopped down on the soft couch, arms crossed in front of her.

Techno put down his phone that he'd been looking at for the past few hours.

'Mornin', love.' He muttered softly, more softly than he would allow anyone but Y/n to have the pleasure of hearing.

The only indication that Y/n had heard him was a small sigh as she held her stomach in pain. Techno raised an eyebrow in slight confusion.

'Is it last night's dinner? I knew there was something off about those meat balls..'

'No. Mother Nature.' Y/n replied airily.

Even despite her pain, Y/n found herself watching with obvious amusement as her boyfriend's expression went from surprise to confusion to embarrassment in a matter of seconds, and his face turn a soft shade of pink.

She'd never been too open with him about this sort of thing (which she still wasn't, all she'd said was that it's that time of the month), so Techno was taken by surprise.

As is expected amongst all boys, Techno's family had always sort of considered periods to be a sort of taboo thing to talk about.

It wasn't an unknown thing, still, everyone knew something about it, but he'd never really bothered to put research into it. Mostly because even just the thought of that concept made him feel weird and uncomfortable.

But Y/n was his girlfriend, and he would do anything rather than make her feel embarrassed or anything, so he said nothing about it. Instead he just started rambling something that honestly even he couldn't make out. It sounded something like,

"O-oh. Um, yeah, okay. Do you need anything? I- I can make you some tea or something, is that what you girls like-? O-or I can go to the store if you like-'

This was all muttered in his deep monotone voice which for some reason only made it even funnier for the girl.

'Babe, Techno, Technoblade, chill. It's fine.' She let out a slightly strained laugh.

'I'm fine. Though I must say, mozzarella salad doesn't sound too bad right now, so if you don't mind going to the shop real quick...' Y/n knew Techno would do anything for her, and she'd use that to her advantage just this one time.

Techno scoffed slightly.

'You and your strange eating habits...' He hesitated a bit, but said nothing and he got up. He still looked a bit pink, but slightly more relieved that Y/n didn't choose to go into any details.

'Um. I guess I'll be back in like, ten minutes, then.'

'K. Hurry up!'

And hurry Techno did. He hadn't hurried more in his life other than when he was being chased by the cops for stealing a pig toy from a nearby shop.

He really didn't know much about girls in any form of the word, but he'd heard that they can get really grumpy if you don't get them what they want, especially on their period.

And knowing Y/n's attitude even on normal days, he didn't even dare to think what she'd be like if that happened now.

When he got back 12 minutes later, now with copious amounts of tomatoes and mozzarella (he didn't know how much Y/n wanted, and he was too scared to ask or get too little), he found Y/n in the same place he left her when he went.

She was curled into a ball, rocking backwards and forwards as she held her stomach in pain.

She whimpered in greeting as Techno sat down beside her, closing her eyes.

To Techno's surprise, she made grabby hands towards him, indicating that she didn't want him to leave.

She hugged one of his arms as tight as she possible could, not letting go.

Techno sighed, kneeling down next to the couch. Knowing Y/n, he most definitely wasn't leaving this place any time soon, and he was okay with that.

He placed one last gentle kiss on the girl's forehead before laying his head on his arm at a very awkward angle, and slowly drifting off to sleep along with the other.

He knew he'd wake up later with a very aching neck, but at this point he just simply didn't care. Y/n mattered more to him than anything else in the universe, and that would never ever change.


I hope this was okay, it's very different than anything I would otherwise choose to write.

It could have turned out better in my opinion, but it could also be worse I guess. I'll just settle on never reading it again 😂

Todorok1Lover I hope this is what you asked for! :)

Written: April 17th, 2022
Published: April 17th, 2022

1198 words

Dream SMP SickficsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang