Bee Boy's Sickness

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Third Person POV (Tubbo):

What a lovely morning, Tubbo thought. The birds are chirping. The sound bothered him. The sun is shining through his open window, it's way too bright. The air is fresh, he can barely breathe. Okay, maybe this morning wasn't starting off great.

Well there was nothing he could do about it. He needed to get up to go to school, so he did.

Slowly and very unwillingly, he stood up. Wincing as a big headache began to form in the back of his head. He groaned as he felt a wave of dizziness wash over him and he swayed a bit, but managed to steady himself before he could fall.

But one step forward was all it took to actually trip over his feet and fall, face flat on the dirty carpet.

Not really having the willpower or physical energy to get up, the brunette just lay there for a minute or two, or maybe an hour, he didn't know and at this rate, he didn't care either.

When he did get up though, he had to take a moment as he leant against the wall to steady himself.

He blinked, looking around himself to navigate the room before taking slow steps towards the door, his eyes half closed and staring.

It was when he was halfway out the front door half an hour later that he realised that one, he was still wearing his pyjamas, and two, it was a Saturday, so no school.

Thank fuck.

But on the other hand, he was pretty mad at himself for getting out of bed for no reason. If he had no other stuff to do, he would just go back to sleep, but no. He still had to stream with Tommy.

He'd only been gone for four days, but the fans were already worried about him, wondering where he'd gone. It was stupid, honestly.

But of course Tubbo had cherish his fans more than anything in the world, more than even himself, so he never complained about that.

So with heavy, wobbly feet keeping him up, he started to stagger his way back up the stairs, leaning against the wall for support.

Why did he feel like this? He wasn't sick, he couldn't be sick. And quite frankly, if his parents were here right now, they would shout at him for being an idiot and that he wasn't sick. But... his parents were at work, so that didn't matter right now.

His thoughts swam as he sat down heavily in his chair and opened up his computer.

He was so very tired and it was taking all of his willpower not to just shut off his PC, say fuck it, and simply go back to sleep.

But he had to do this, he just had to. Maybe he could sleep afterwards, just not now. What did it matter that he was on the brink of passing out and his headache was killing him? What did it matter that his vision was swimming in and out of focus, and just moving around made him want to throw up from the dizziness? Talking about throwing up...

Tubbo got barely any warning before he felt his stomach churn, and he just about managed to turn his head to the side (which only made his headache even worse) but he couldn't focus on that right now, as the very minute he did, his stomach lurched, and he somehow managed to throw up every last bite of food he'd had last night which, mind you, wasn't much at all.

He whined miserably, taking a few moments before standing up and walking off towards the bathroom to clean it up.


Fifteen minutes later, and Tubbo was finally sitting back in front of his monitor. The room now smelt a bit like horrible bile, but at this point Tubbo simply just didn't care. He'd had enough for today, he just needed to get this over with and he could finally lie down.

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