Tommy Has Narcolepsy Pt.1

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Tommy POV:

Tommy was currently sitting at his computer, editing a video he was planning to upload to his channel this evening. If he wanted to get it out today, he only had two and a half hours to finish it, which wasn't a lot of time, considering he had only just started like 15 minutes ago.

He sat at his desk, boredly clicking away at his keyboard, cutting out unnecessary parts, and adding subtitles and background music. Meanwhile, he was also listening to a Spotify playlist while working, in hopes of lengthening his attention span.

He wasn't quite sure what it was, but he'd been feeling slightly off in the past hour. He was feeling pretty drowsy and strange, and it wasn't because he was tired. He had gotten 8 hours of sleep the night before, which was actually pretty good compared to his usual 6.

No, it was something else, but he had to have been imagining it, right? It was probably just his mind making up random shit excuses for him to stop working, yeah. That would be it. He couldn't postpone this upload, that would be letting down all of his fans, and he didn't want them to have to wait just because he was feeling slightly unwell. That would be called being a bitch, and he wasn't like Ranboo. He uploaded every week, and didn't let stuff like this get in the way of his work.

Looking back, he wished he wouldn't have thought like that, but if you asked him what he wished he'd have done instead, he definitely wouldn't be able to give you a logical and truthful answer. He just knew he shouldn't have ignored the weird feeling.

It was as he finally finished his editing when the feeling really became unbearable. His brain went all fuzzy, and his vision blurred. He couldn't really take in his surroundings properly, but he managed to stand up, and quickly try to lie down on his bed to make the feeling go away.

Before he could get there, however, his eyes fluttered shut, and he collapsed on the floor, asleep. He had no idea what happened next, or how long he was out for, but he remembered waking up a bit later, confused on why he was crumpled up on the floor, between the desk and his bed.

He ended up just shrugging it off as him having been very tired, and somehow fallen asleep before he could get to his bed, and passed out almost immediately after laying down under the cozy sheets.

By the time he woke up the next morning, he remembered nothing about what happened the night before.

He uploaded the now fully edited video to YouTube first thing in the morning, proud of himself that he had actually managed to edit it pretty well. Wait- no. That's stupid. He always edits every video perfectly, this shouldn't come as a surprise.
He briefly got distracted on wondering why people even hired editors for themselves, but settled with the thought that nobody was as good at it as big man Tommy.
Tommy's ego was way too big for his own good.

He then remembered that he had a stream planned with his friends in about an hour's time, and that he needed to get ready.

He went to set up his computer and log into Discord, as he knew from experience that they would usually spend at least half an hour before each stream just chatting about random stuff before they went live.

He had already lost 20 minutes setting up his things, meaning he now only had 10 minutes to get ready.

Time flew by in an instant, and in what seemed like no time at all, he was in a discord call with his friends Wilbur, Phil and Tubbo, playing Minecraft live in front of 68 thousand people on Wilbur's Twitch, and 80 thousand on Tubbo's.

It seemed ridiculous, but this was his full time job now, to play video games in front of a camera while messing around with his friends.

He couldn't quite comprehend how so many people were interested in his content, after all, he saw himself as a completely average boy with nothing particularly notable about him, but the internet obviously begged to differ, and he couldn't be more grateful for each and every one of his fans.

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