Wilbur's Tourettes Diagnosis (REQUEST)

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A/N: This was a request made by @i99shou , and it's about Wilbur before and after getting a Tourette's Syndrome diagnosis.

(Also I just realised after publishing this that it was supposed to be SBI. I made it SBI -Techno +Tubbo and Ranboo, I hope that's okay.. 😅)

I don't know if it's really what you asked for, but I hope you enjoy it anyways :D

TW: Internalised Ableism, tics, tic attack, Self-Hate, Implied/Referenced Parental Neglect / Verbal Abuse

 Wilbur's life was never easy. 

 Even from a very early age, people saw that there was something different about him.

 He would constantly make these weird noises and movements, or randomly shout specific words and phrases, most commonly swear words. 

 Wilbur was never one to enjoy attention, but these things would definitely push him in the spotlight. 

 He was always that one kid who would play alone in the sandbox or sit alone at recess. He never actually had any real friends.

 In all fairness, a lot of the kids were scared by him, for some reason. He pretended not to see their parents hurriedly leading them in the other direction at the playground. 

 Though he wouldn't call them abusive or unreasonable, Wilbur's parents never exactly understood him. 

 Every time they would get a report from Will's school that he wouldn't stop talking back to the teachers or being disruptive in class, or when he kept shouting swear words at the dinner table, they would just give him a sharp, disappointed look and chalk it up to him being a misbehaving attention-seeker.

 After a while, Wilbur even started to believe them. 

 Every time his parents would glare at him with a look that obviously said "what did I do wrong to raise you like this, why can't you just do anything right", he would wallow in those negative words for days.

 It was an endless loop. 

 As soon as he'd almost managed to forgive himself for his abnormality, he would always just find another way to fuck everything up. He'd unintentionally slap his classmate and start a fight, or be unable to stop shouting "fuck off" at the top of his lungs for half an hour straight. 

 Those situations would end up with him being grounded for two weeks, which was never fun. 

 Wilbur just wished he knew why he acted like this. He didn't think he did it on purpose, but I suppose after it being all you have heard your whole life, you do start to blame yourself for everything. 

 His parents never really voiced their opinions (in fact they always tried their best to avoid bringing it up in conversation), but it was crystal clear to Wilbur who the least favourite child was. 

 After he joined the Dream SMP, a lot of things changed quite a bit in Wilbur's life. 

 He managed to move out of his parents' house (something he could barely wait to do for over 6 years now), and quickly surrounded himself with a ton of much more supportive and understanding people. People he could actually confidently call his friends. 

 They definitely noticed, but they never actually pointed out the things that Wilbur used to always be called a disappointment for. They just accepted it as part of him, and believed him when he said they were involuntary. 

 Wilbur was startled by the sudden change in their demeanour. Understandably, he ended up growing very close to these people he now called his friends. 

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