Not an update

704 11 12

Hi! First of all, thank you all so much for over 7k reads, y'all are way too supportive- :,)

I've decided to put this book on hold for a while because I can't find it in me to update and school's just started again plus I've got a bunch of other stories I'm currently writing, so stuff's been stressful and I've been feeling really bad about not updating this, so I'm so sorry about that. 

I might recontinue it at some point and I'll TRY to finish some of the requests that have piled up, but you've probably noticed I've promised that at least 5 times and not done anything about it.. yeah, I'm sorry, just don't expect much is all I'm saying. 

For the meantime if you want to read any of my other stories I've got some new ones either out or on the way, so please check those out, thanks :] 

Sorry if this disappoints anybody, but even if I didn't put this on hold I doubt I'd get much done on it. 

Anyways, I love you guys and thank you for all the support, it really means a lot <333 

For the meantime, bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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