The Warden is Sick? Oh No!

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 Everybody get's sick sometimes, even the toughest people you'd least expect to show weakness. So when Sam, as the warden of a highly secure prison get's a sickness or a cold, all he can do is try his best to hide his fever and the throbbing headache he woke up with this morning by busying himself around the prison, and trying his best not to talk to anyone.

Sam groaned as he woke up, immediately feeling the painful headache and fever that had settled on him since last night.

But he had to get up, he had no choice but to. Not only did he have to feed the prisoner, but a visitor was coming to see him in not too long. He really didn't feel like getting out of bed, but guard duty called.

He was the warden of a high security prison holding a very dangerous prisoner, and he couldn't just let such a weakness as being slightly ill get in the way of his work.

At least he was trying to tell himself that he was just feeling slightly unwell, but in reality he was much more sick than he made it look like for onlookers. He had managed to train himself to hide his real feelings both physical and mental, and right now it was physical.

He climbed out of his bed slowly, not needing to put on any of his armour, since he slept in it all the time, he basically never took it off unless he wasn't in the prison, which really wasn't often at all. The last time he left the prison was over two months ago, perhaps he couldn't even remember the feeling of warm sunshine on his pale skin.

The only thing that always stayed with him was the extremely heavy material of the netherite armour weighing down on his shoulders and on his whole body. But he never knew when Dream would try to escape and it would be needed, in Sam's eyes, so he simply kept it on 24/7.

"That can't be comfortable..." one of Sam's best friends, Ponk had said after Sam answered his question about it the other day. And Sam couldn't help but agree. The armour really was slightly annoying, but oh well. He had bigger issues to be worried about, after all.

His mind was in a completely different location as he walked through the hallway of the prison, past all of the individual cells. In the end, he arrived at the big lava wall next to the main cell, and went over to a secret opening that was connected to a hopper, through which he gave Dream his weekly stack of potatoes.

After that, he just went back to his hidden room inside the prison, and lay down in bed, waiting for the time that the visitor, in this case Tommy, would come.


It was four hours later, and as Sam was leading Tommy down the vast hallways of the prison, he very quickly got lost in thought, his conscious mind swiftly being swept away with the immense amounts of pain building up in his head, and the cold sweat dripping down his forehead and entire body.

He often wondered how somebody like Tommy, one of the people most effected by Dream's evil, was the one who visited him the very most.

He believed this was his third ever time visiting, which wasn't much, but it was more than the rest, as everybody else who had visited had only been here once.

Well... except for Ranboo. Ranboo was actually the only one who had visited Dream more than Tommy. He does often think about the mysterious relationship Dream and Ranboo have together, because despite clearly being terrified of Dream, Ranboo seems to spend quite a lot of time around him, but he never actually says anything about it... hm. Maybe he should ask him about it at some point.

He was brought back to the real world by Tommy's loud voice snapping him out of his thoughts.

'Sam. Sam! Sam, are you there?' Sam whipped his head up to look over at Tommy. He hadn't even realised his head was leaning down until he had to lift it up.

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