Ranboo's Sick Day

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 (In this AU there are no wars, just pretend none of the lore or conflict happened and this is just a normal SMP lol)

Third Person POV:

Just another normal day on the Dream SMP.

It was particularly warm today, so most members could be found hanging around the Community House, laughing and joking around with their friends.

Those people included Tommy and Tubbo, Puffy and Niki, Quackity, Sapnap and Karl, and a few others.

Tommy and Tubbo were actually starting to wonder where their other friend, Ranboo was on such a cloudless day, but they didn't need to think for long. Their question would soon be answered.

Quackity's POV:

Karl, Sapnap and I were chilling around the Community House with the rest of our friends. It was a pretty nice day, so most of us were here.

Just then Ranboo, who hadn't been with us until now, came stumbling down the steps from the Nether Portal.

We didn't really think much of it, until he did something that caught almost everyone's attention.

Okay, so let me get this out of the way. Everyone on this server knows that nobody has ever seen Ranboo blush before. We've seen him topple over with laughter, crying over one of his builds or stuff he made not working, and even occasionally grinning and hugging people (mostly Tubbo), but Ranboo never blushes.

So that's why it caught everyone's attention when we saw him stumble over his own feet on his way down, and fall to the ground, ears and nose bright red.

'Hey Ranboo, what happened?' Tommy asked, eager for something interesting to tell his friends.

'Oh nothing...' Ranboo muttered sheepishly.

'Aw, come on big man! You can tell me!' Tommy said, crossing his arms playfully. Ranboo just shook his head, quickening his pace as he headed off in the other direction.

For a second, Tommy followed him, but eventually slowed down, and let him go on his way, defeated.

Wilbur peeked his head out from inside the Community House, staring after the ender boy.

'Who managed to do it? I bet it was Tubbo.'

Tommy shook his head, slightly disappointed.

'He didn't tell me.' Just then, they saw Ranboo bump into Sam, who was headed for the Community House. They talked for a few minutes, before they both continued on their own ways.

Tommy beckoned Sam over to the spot where they were all standing, and immediately started asking questions.

'Did he tell you what happened?' Sam looked at him with confusion.

'No. What happened?'

'Aw, I thought he'd tell you. What did you talk about then?'

'Oh, well... nothing much. He denied it, but I could tell he was looking a bit sick and pale. I told him to maybe visit Ponk. He's a doctor, so I figured he'd know what to do.'

Wilbur huffed a bit. 'Oh, come on! It's the first time he's blushed, and it's not even because of Tubbo!' Sam chuckled.

'I know you guys are invested in that game of yours, but maybe one of you should go and check on him. See if he's alright.' Tubbo nodded slightly.

'You're right, boss man. Tommy and I will go!' He said cheerfully, and before Tommy could even register what was happening, he was being dragged by Tubbo away towards the direction Ranboo had gone in.

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