Tommy Has Narcolepsy Pt.2

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Third Person POV:

Tommy had to realise at some point that time somehow always managed to pass ten times slower when you are excited for something, for that was the case with waiting for his meet up with Tubbo, Wilbur and Phil.

Yes, despite being extremely nervous about this whole thing, he was also very excited, and could barely wait to meet his friends. Though it was true he very often did meet them irl like for his vlogs or just for fun, the excitement of it never really wore off.

He had already finished getting things ready and finally cleaning his room after like three months, and he even decided to make his bed today! Pop off king!

He was actually really proud of himself for doing these things despite them being normal every day things, for off camera Tommy really wasn't as tidy and put together as people assumed him to be. On days when he knew he didn't have anything to do like streaming or collage, he almost always wouldn't even bother getting out of his pyjamas.

So actually making some sort of difference in his messy bedroom really was a big feat for him to conquer.

But anyways, the main thing was that he was ready for the others to come over, and that was the main thing.

After he was done, he decided to just lie down on his bed and scroll through Twitter while he waited for the others to come.


Three hours later, Tommy finally heard the doorbell ring, and quickly jumped up from his bed, appearing at his door in a mere three seconds.

When he opened the door, he was met with Phil, Wilbur and Tubbo's surprised faces, both by the force with which he opened the door, and the speed he arrived there with.

'Hey Tommy.' Phil said, chuckling.

'Hi Tommy!' Tubbo greeted with surprising cheerfulness.

'Hello gremlin child.' Wilbur said last, and Tommy rolled his eyes, huffing.

'Wil! You ruined it!' Everyone but Tommy burst out laughing towards the end, as Tommy crossed his arms.

'Hello to you too.' Wilbur said, unnecessarily saying hello twice. Why did he even do that? The weirdo.

Tommy stood to the side to let the others in, and then went towards his living room to eventually flop down on the sofa.

'So what do you wanna watch?' Tommy asks.

'Woah! Already? At least let us arrive first, mate.' Phil chuckled.

Tommy just groaned, but let the others take their shoes and coats off, and put down their bags. They were actually planning to stay for the night, so those bags were filled with a bunch of stuff like toothbrushes, toothpaste, pyjamas, and other boring stuff like that that Tommy really didn't want to bother himself with.

And by ten minutes later, they had joined him.

The four sat on the couch, Phil on one side with Wilbur next to him, Tommy sat on Wil's other side, while Tubbo took the other end of the couch, next to Tommy.

Phil and Wilbur just looked at their phones while the other two bickered, arguing about what to watch.

'I don't care what you say! Up is definitely the best movie, bitch!' Tommy shouted at the other boy.

'Up is boorring! Haven't you watched it like, a million times by now?' Tubbo shot back.

'So? Not with you! Plus, Up never get's boring, not for big men!'

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