• Part 14 •

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"WAKE UP!!" Karl and Nick shouted at the same time. Clay and George were startled by the other's yelling.

In fact, Clay was so startled that he bumped his head against the headrest of the seat. he rubbed his hand on the back of his head. "oaw! what the fuck!?" he said as he looked at Nick and Karl.

"oops, sorry Clay, but we're here!" said Nick. "what? already?" said George, rubbing a hand into his eye.

"Yeah, and I need your pass Clay, or they won't let us in." he added. Clay groaned and gave Nick his pass, Clay looked with an integrated look as Nick took the pass with a smile to tease him even more.

"why don't you use your own pass?" asked Clay. "because this is your truck, if anything happens to it, the insurance is yours." said Nick. Clay nodded in response.

"wait, where are we anyway?" George asked as he leaned his head against the seat.

"We are going with the offer to an island close to Brazil. we will spend 3 nights there."

"okay, how long do we have for our boat?" George asked, a little irritated too. "In half an hour." said Karl simply. "omg, half an hour?! then you could let us sleep for another fifteen minutes or so."

George crawled back against Clay as he put a blanket over him. "that was there all along?!" Nick asked as he looked at Clay and George.

"uh.. yes?" Clay said simply. "it was fucking cold at night, me and Karl had to keep each other warm to keep from freezing!" said Nick. Karl laughed at his boyfriend's comment. ",rl that's not our fault." George said as he laughed a little and laid his head on Clay's shoulder.

eventually Nick laughed too and they were all laughing now. when they had cooled down. Nick parked in a parking lot and took the suitcases out of the truck. "Okay, that's our boat." he said as he handed everyone his suitcase and went to a small but cozy boat.

(the boat above is about what I mean, but you can also add a boat yourself.

Nick went on board and took the bags, he helped Karl get in. then he help me and Clay managed it himself.

"show-off." I said jokingly as I rolled my eyes playfully. We all laughed at my joke.

"Okay, it's all right- but- we have to leave now, it's getting dark." Tried Clay to say through the wheezes.

we all just laughed harder because of Clay. when we finally calmed down and a man also came aboard.

"Hi, I'm Mail and I'm driving the boat for you." said the nice man, we gave a smile and Clay pointed Mail at the wheel. he thanked Clay and started the boat. "you are sure you have everything?" he asked. we nodded in response. "okay then." he said as he drove calmly out of the harbour. Karl sat on Nick's lap and watched Nick's phone. Clay and I sat side by side in a conversation.

it took us hours to get to the island, or so it felt. we were only 30 minutes on the road. "we are here." said the man. we thanked him for the trip and packed our bags.

"thank you man!" Nick shouted as he dragged Karl's and his bags onto the pier. "no problem." he said back.

Clay dug his and I mine. we walked to our beach house as the man drove away. "i that it?" Karl asked as he pointed to a small yet large beach house.

"that's it." said Clay. Karl went to the house and examined it carefully. "OMG, this is going to be fantastic!"

"Calm down baby, or you'll hurt yourself." Nick said as he laughed at how excited his boyfriend was.

"My grandmother has an beach house. We used to go there every summer." said Karl.

"oh I didn't know about that." said Nick as he looked at Karl with a smile. "there's so much you don't know yet." Karl said as he walked in. Nick's smile disappeared and insist looked surprised. He turned to me and Clay. Clay shook his head that he didn't know either.

I laughed and walked a little further into the house. Clay stepped up to Nick and said. "you'll find out." with a chuckle.

"i- what?! Karl what else do I need to know?!" he said as he followed Karl up the stairs but Karl went up faster.

i looked around the house and smiled at the beautiful decoration. "it's beautiful isn't it?" I heard a familiar voice behind me say. I turned and smiled. "indeed."

Clay stepped closer. "the sea is beautiful too, look." he said as he grabbed my hips and turned us around making me blush, it was a beautiful view of the sea, how the water shone in the sun. how the white sand seemed so soft. how the fresh sea air went through our hair. it was so... beautiful.

I felt Clay come up behind me. he had his hands on my hips and his chin on my shoulder. "it is beautiful." I repeated.

"you're beautiful." He muttered. "what?" I asked blushing. "it is beautiful." he said as if he said that first.

I nodded my head. "yes it's beautiful." I said as I looked back at the beach.

"Clay! George! Come on, we have to unload the suitcases." said Nick. Clay turned. "we come." he said as he bit his teeth. I giggled a little.

Karl came up to me and pulled on my arm. "Come on, let's go to the rooms." Karl said as he pulled me upstairs.

{ third person's Pov }

while Karl and George were upstairs. Clay walked over to Nick with an irritated look. "oh come on, are you mad because my cute little boyfriend stole your boyfriend?" said Nick playfully.

"weren't you supposed to have sex with Karl?" I asked as I stood next to him and crossed my arms.

"hey hey hey, this has nothing to do with mine and Katl's private life." he said as he punched my shoulder.

"You're just upset because he doesn't want to have sex with you." Clay said as he walked to the kitchen. Nick following. "D-did he say that?" Nick asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Well it's clear he doesn't want sex." Clay said chuckling when he grabbed a glass of water.

"h-he...well... his grandparents a-are dead.. he said he needed some time.."


"He doesn't want me anymore?"


"he... he doesn't love me anymore..." said Nick as he stepped upstairs. "Karl. Karl!" Clay heard him say. "Nick! Nick it was a joke, Nick!" Clay called after him. but he didn't hear that.

"fuck" he whispered under his breath.


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