Bella worst fear comes true

Start from the beginning

"I just don't understand a prince at that. I mean I never in my entire life time never thought I could open my heart to anyone as I did you. I never thought someone could feel like they do to go to such extreme and protect me like you do." He just stood there not moving. "I never thought I could feel like this about someone, like I do you." I sit back against the wall. "I never thought I find someone that could change me the way you could and show me the world in a different way. You showed me more than anyone ever could." He backs up and takes a deep breath.

"My parents tried to tell me there was more to life than running a kingdom. But I just couldn't see it. All I seen is things had to be done in a certain way a proper way. I'm a prince I had to act the part. Do the stuff a prince was suppose to do. I was going to end it with Tanya, I didn't have the time for a social life. So that part was true." I couldn't believe Edward was being open with me for the first time. I pulled my knees against mine chest and wrapped my arms around my legs laying my head on my knees listening to him.

He finally leaned against the wall. "All my life, I never let myself feel anything. I didn't want to. I wanted to be what I was born to be my birth right. So I threw myself into it. I guess that's why my family said I was stuck up to much about business. I didn't think it was right to well to have fun as you would say. But when my parents told me I was in a arrange marriage I was angry. I called Tanya and ended it. That kinda lifted a weight off of me. I spent months trying to figure out how to get out of it. Then my Father called me into his office one night."

He closed his eyes. "My father told me to sit down he had some news. Well that's when he told there was a horrible accident and he told me who you were. That's when something small started to change. I just didn't realize it at the time. I asked if you were okay. He told me that you were on your way here and that you had a lot of healing to do. He explained to me that you lost someone close to you and that your parents didn't want you there anymore. Then when Mike called me and told me you were mad with your parents, I had decided to take a chance and meet you. When I saw you I felt bad for you. Cause I could see the bruises on your arm and the cast. Then when you grab the bed the way you did I felt concern. Then you ran for the bathroom. I felt horrible. But when I heard you on the phone and what you said, I don't know what came over me. I felt angry, upset. I don't know I was so confused at the time. Then when you showed up it just took me by surprise. No one and I mean no one would ever just follow after me when I'm like that. But you did." He stopped there and walked back over to me. He took his hand and lifted my face. "That's when everything really started to change for me, because you took the courage and did something that no one else would do." He told me.

"What, just because I went after you and tried to explain myself even though you were angry." I said. He nodded. Edward took a strand of hair and put it behind  my ear. "By the way, what was that last night?" He asked me. "I wanted to open myself up to you fully. I wanted to feel loved not hurt. But I ended up feeling so much more!" I told him. He looked at me confused. "I opened myself up more then I attended to last night, and you made me feel actually for the first time in my life beautiful, you didn't see my scars you saw me." Tears started to fall. "I never thought anyone could see past my scars as you do. That's when I decided to open myself up fully and well you know the rest!" I told him.

Then I heard the door. "Edward can we talk to you a minute please?" I heard Jasper say. "Stay there, I got to finish cleaning that cut." I nodded. I watched him walk out. I heard the door shut. I laid my head back down on my knees. Trying to absorb what Edward just told me. Then I heard Edward yell! My head snapped up. Because that was pure anger that came out of Edward. I got up and ran for the door and open it. He wasn't there. Where did he go? I asked myself. Then I seen Rosalie run up the stairs. She pushed me back into the bedroom. "What is going on?" I asked. Rosalie didn't say a word. Alice ran in and shut the door behind her. "What is going on?" I asked.

They didn't answer me. "Will someone please answer me." They look at each other. "That's it! STOP FUCKING HIDING SHIT FROM ME AND TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" I screamed out. "Bella sit down!" Alice told me. "No!" I told her. "Tell me what's going on!" I told them. "Mike and them got in because the guards were killed but that's not what the worst of it." Alice was telling me. They had looks on their face like they were sorry. "Now he going to be alright we were told and he in surgery." Alice was telling me.

"Will you just tell me what you're talking about please!" I told them."They found Jacob in his room this morning. He was shot. Like we said they told us he will be alright!" Alice explained.
"NNNOOO!" I tried to run for the door. "Bella you can't it's not safe for you." Rosalie said. They both had a hold of me. "But Jacob!" I cried out. "We know Bella." I fell to the floor screaming out for Jacob.

I do not own all my characters Stephenie Meyer does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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