chapter 32

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The next morning, everything went very fast for yeosang and yunho.  

the guards went inside of the room early in the morning to wake up the baby wolf , yunho and yeosang.  

They only let them five minutes to get ready to go. Yeosang didn't want to bring anything with him excepted his baby .. he just asked to himself, how could he even travel when he just gave birth not too long ago..that's was way too much to ask for him.  

But, unfortunately for him , nobody didn't really care.

The guards  escorted  them outside after, where the father of san was waiting with some guards and a lot of servants. even San’s fiancé was there, she was  right beside the master of the domain. She was even holding yeosang son, who was wrapped in a warm blue blanket. but ,how much yeosang just wanted to run after  her to take his baby back ??! He was HIS baby not hers! It wasn’t her who gave birth to him!!  

And ,it's was only a matter of time before he will get hungry if that's wasn't already the case !  

But ,he couldn’t . He couldn’t help and take care of his own son! If he did ,he knew the master will just order to kill him. But, he didn’t want to let his babies alone..  even if he wouldn’t see his baby fox  grow up , he still wanted to be there for him! And nobody could ever change that .  Nobody.  

He didn’t want to die yet and even after all of that, he still needed to see san at least one more time.  

- now that everyone is here , we can go to the palace. Everyone get ready we are now leaving!》said the older wolf loud enough so everyone could heard him outside.  

Looking down, yeosang was stressed out about the idea to go at the palace . It's was an occasion that nobody would have twice in his life ..but, Yeosang would change his place for anyone who would want it.  

Suddenly , yeosang felt a hand on his shoulder.  It was yunho’s. The hybrid dog quickly   noticed how much yeosang looked stressed and so much unwell..  

- I'm here. And  I'm not leaving you Anytime soon . 》

Simple word..but it's was only what yeosang needed the most at this moment.  

Taking a deep breath , yeosang was indicated to go inside of a palanquin. It’s was a like a big rectangular housing made out of Wood. And where they also had two pole on each side of it so some strong servants could take it and walked all the way until the person who was inside had arrived at destination. the palanquin could only bring one person inside. And who belong only to the nobless . But , for this time only it's was an exception.

-father,  i think you were about to forgot about me .》  

Turning he head toward the voice , the father only saw ,  san . He was all dressed up like nothing happened in the first place, and he was sitting on his Black horse and right beside him, was mingi .  

-  oh, that  is surprising. Of course, I was about to forget you. since you ran away without saying anything! it's only now you decide to make your big apparence? I hope you won’t try anything stupid again san, because i will watch over you.  Be usefull Since you are  here and go with your horse and follow your fiancé's palanquin with your baby who is with her. We are leaving!》  

-I’m sorry  father , but, my fiancé already have two guards beside her . The one of Yeosang’s just have yunho. And he's not even a guard so, I will watch over it with mingi. you can go first i will follow behind i won't run away again.》  

Clapping his tongue in his mouth , his father looked more than pissed.  But soon,  his older son freedom was finally coming to his end. With this thought, he smiled  .

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