chapter 30

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Getting up, san stood in front of his brother ready to do anything that might happen.  He would do everything to be sure he wouldn’t say anything to anyone.  

- Don't look at me like that, i won't do anything. Let's just say i didn’t passed by here and i'm still working. I was just looking for Wooyoung. 》 Responded jongho while he looked at the babies who was in yunho and wooyoung arms.

- congratulation , but unfortunately they seem to look like you. 》

- listen jongho , i'm not sure if i can trust you at all .so, you should leave soon .i won't take any risk even more when i know you will do everything for our father. 》 said san, crossing his arms on his chest .

- i know.  But sometimes you should trust me a little bit , I'm still your brother .》moving to the side to let the doctor and mingi go in, jongho sighed. He understood why san acted like this ,but sometime it was just useless to act this sort of way.  

But then, everybody in the room  stared at the doctor who entered the room, it wasn't Hwanwoong.  This one looked more ..poor. his clothes were supposed to be white ,but they turned out almost yellow with some hole in it. and he was way older than the doctor they used to have like the coyote.

-mingi, can you explain why you bring a homeless  doctor  here ?! Are you blind or something ?? There no way he will put a single fingers on my children or on my fox !!》shouted san out of anger, he didn’t wait for hours just for a poor doctor ! It's was just Hwanwoong he trusted enough for that kind of job.  

- oh? So, i guess the look is more important than the people who need assistance, then if you excuse me i will leave right away . I'm sorry mingi .》 Getting ready to walk back at his home mingi grabbed the doctor arm firmly.  

- no please ! Stay here , master we need him! i didn't found Hwanwoong everywhere he's not even at his house , believe me i searched everywhere and he's not here . And this doctor may look poor , but he's good at his job he is the best one ! that's was him who helped me when i still lived in the street ! Please, trust him master. He will help yeosang.  I'm  sorry if it took this long, because of me yeosang.. gave birth before i went back here..》  

Listening to mingi words, san still wasn’t sure about all of it. Gritting his teeth almost in an angry way because of the whole situation , san stared at his brother.  

- you said i could trust you jongho ,then if it's really the case ...then , can you explain me why it's not the coyote ? i know you, you must know a little something about it.》

Mingi sighed but didn't let go of the doctor arm , he knew san was stubborn sometimes but him also .  

- you’re right, but ,since we are not alone i won't talk about it here ,i hope you will understand. 》Responded jongho on a calm tone, that wasn't the right time to start a fight at all.  

- just say it ,father send someone to kill him.  He only healed yeosang !! He didn't do anything wrong!》Yelled san angrily almost making his babies jump by surprise.  

- ...San do you heard yourself when you speak? You just about to make a doctor leave because he look poor ! What if that was the other way around , a high noble doctor well know here.. heal someone like yeosang ? You know he couldn’t do that ! Even less without our father approval ! 》

the room went silent until the sound of the babies crying was heard. they didn't seem to like hearing people yell at each other's.  

- master  , if you are to yell at  each other’s again ..please you should do it outside. there are  people here who need to rest . .. please san, this doctor need to see your  babies and yeosang.  I just have the basic medicine i can't help more than that  . You know it better than me , if you want to know what happened to Hwanwoong.. then you just have to make an investigation later .》

Even if san wasn't happy about what wooyoung just said, he decided to let it slid for this time. He only sighed and made a move with his hand so mingi could let go of his grip he had on the doctor, he wouldn't stop him this time.  

- you made the right choice, don't worry i wont hurt your family  .》

- Dont misunderstand, i will watch over you.》  

Sighing, the doctor ignored san comment he was used that some noble acted this kind of way.  That's was mostly the reason why he didn't heal the noble anymore.  They were selfish and arrogant.  

The check-up didn't last long a simple look to the hybrid fox was enough to tell him what he exactly have.  After him it's was the babies turn.  

- so is everything is, ok old man?》  

- mingi next time you come to see me i will  
put more alcohol than nessecery over your wound. Be respectful , i'm older than you. 》  

Sighing because of  mingi behavior, the doctor looked at san right after

- so, the mother needs to rest. He will sleep for a while, but once he will be awake he will need to drink a lot and eat . You can give him some tea and after that he need to rest. Labor is exhausting, even more for when you had twin. He's lucky he survived , i don’t see that often  . Well I can even say ,It's the first time for me and I  am very happy about it.》  

Getting up the Eagles hybrid take back his small bag .

- as for the boys they are both healthy and strong, the smaller one will gain weight over the days. But, you still need to check up on them and the mother too, but i'm pretty sure they will be ok. And i don't want to come here again .it's was an exception since mingi asked for it since it's was an emergency. 》

- i see. Don't worry i wasn’t planning to ask for your service one more time .》Responded san as honest he could ever be.  

- that's perfect , then if you excuse me .》 Bowing his head in front of san , the doctor didn't lasted more minutes before getting out of the domain he didn't want to get caught walking around the domain at midnight.  

Sighing in relief since everything was finally over, san sat down beside his fox and he caressed his forehead full of sweat. Then he looked at his children.

- yunho, the day  i won't be here watch over all of them. I trust you so nothing can  happen to them.》  

Smiling, yunho deposed the baby wolf beside his mom and he covered him with the small blanket while wooyoung did the same with his brother fox.  

- of course, be reassured..i wont leave them alone .》yunho said smiling .  

- you can ask to me too! I won't hurt them! I'm still their uncle!》 Said jongho .  

- thank you, you may all leave excepted for mingi.》Anwsered san while ingnoring his brother.  

- we are leaving then! But , I'm truly happy for you. I hope that will make you come back like  you were before.. . I miss my old kind brother . 》  

With that, everyone left the room letting just mingi and san alone . yeosang and his twins who were now all sleeping.  

San simply laid down beside yeosang and kissed his forehead.  

- i'm so sorry..i hope you will forgive me,I don't have choice anymore..》

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