chapter 19

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Mingi grinned his teeth seeing how much his master was gone mentally, it was like his soul left him. Well, he didn't have choice but to make him come back.  

-Master... Hey! … SAN!  Please, he needs you!!" Mingi didn't think twice to slape his cheek with force.

San blinked his eyes a few times and put his hand of his red cheek, he was finally back to their reality.

-Did you just slap me?’  

-Master, we have more important thing to worry about. Yeosang need us, he’s not dead, but is not strong either..."

San got up slowly and extended his two hands in front of Mingi so he could put the injured fox in his arms. Once he did, he turned his back to him.

-Take my horse and bring me the doctor as fast as you can, I will bring him to his room. Join us there.”

With that, San walked away as fast as he could and Mingi went out of his sight to go find his master horse. Being a noble once, he didn't have any difficulties to ride a horse. San looked down at the fox face full of blood and bruises. Even his fox’s ears he loved this much was covered in blood. He pressed his body tight against him, it was his fault...

once he was in Yeosang room, he laid down the fox on his bed, where Yunho could watch over him until the doctor would arrive. Yunho too didn't believe what had happen. It was really the worst scenario that could have happen. San never saw the dog face before with this pain expression.

It's was his fault.  

Not wanting to see much more, San decided to went inside of his own room to calm himself down. He also knew he will be in trouble to call a doctor for a servant, but he didn't care. he already did too  many mistakes in his life to be forgiven. He sat carefully behind his desk and thought about how Yeosang was right, he did make a mistake.

He should have seen it coming, he should have protected him. But instead, some people played him like a fiddle and played behind his back.  

The noble didn't have any control over his thought anymore. All he was thinking about, was the mistakes he did in his entire life and the fact he couldn’t protect anybody.

He was weak.  

If only people who had hurt Yeosang didn't existed in the first place, his life could have been better. Then his entire body start to shake, he felt his heart was beating faster like it was going to explode.

His breathing was getting cut at each breath he was taking and started panting heavily as he tried to breath normally again. And of course, without success. He didn't have any control over himself, he took his things that were on his desk, and threw it everywhere inside of his room. The small desk itself ended up on the floor, and papers started flying. If he could destroy everything inside of his room at that exact moment, he would have done it easily. His field of vision narrowed, he couldn’t even see anything except what was in front of him, he didn't even realize some tears were rolling down his cheeks.

Even if he was a strong hybrid wolf and a high noble, it was the first time he ever felt this powerless. No... that's wasn't true. The very first time was when his mother passed away and he didn't even had time to say a simple good bye. Or even a thank you for what she did for him while she was alive.  

It took him a while to calm down, but as soon as he took back the control of his body, he went inside of Yeosang room where Yunho was still here watching over his protégé.

Because You Are My First Love |||sansang,Hybrid AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon