chapter 12

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One week had passed since the group came back from their trip to the market place. The heat of the fox was finally over after that long week passed in his master room because of his stat. Being the possessive wolf that he was at his finest, his master wouldn’t authorize him to get out of the room without him. He didn’t even accept anyone else in his room, and of course everybody listened. He was ready to punish everyone that dared to disobey his strict order. And if you would ask Yeosang what he did those past few days, his answer would be quite simple. In the morning he would eat what his master would bring him, and took the opportunity to paint the painting he promised while his master would leave early and do his business. He simply hoped he would win the bet. The wolf always came back in the afternoon, when Yeosang’s heat would hit a point where he couldn’t paint anymore or do something other than sleep with his master. In story short, all he did was paint and fuck in one week, to say he was tired was an understatement.

Sighing, Yeosang looked at the ceiling before looking down at his now finished painting that he was holding in his hands. He was happy with the result. Like he thought, a paper and a brush of high quality could change everything, the result wasn’t even close to his old painting that he used to do. He jumped a bit when he suddenly heard the door slid, he hid quickly the painting behind his back as he looked at his master. Like always, he would come back in his room at the same hour of the day.

-What are you doing?” He asked, closing the door behind him.

The fox looked too suspicious, what was he trying to hide from him like that?

-a-ah, master. Welcome back I.. I... just finished the painting, do you want to see it?”

He walked closer to the fox as he smirked, extending his hands in front of him, already thinking about his easy win. Yeosang took a deep breath, before extending the painting with his two hands carefully. His master took it as careful as the fox and took a good look at it. There was a long and stressful silence filling the room for a split second, almost feeling like an eternity, making Yeosang more anxious than ever. Then he saw it... His master was smiling brightly, his dimples making an appearance on each side of his face, and his eyes closed up a bit from the action. He never saw someone face shine up like that while making a simple smile. That was the very first time that he saw the smile of his master, a real one. It wasn’t a smirk or a simple one with hidden intentions. It was a warm smile, the wolf was happy. Yeosang blushed and looked at the ground, embarrassed. He felt his whole mind getting confused. It was something he would never forget. That soft smile...

-Shiber.” San responded while his eyes didn’t leave the painting.  

The painting was a Shiba Inu dog playing on the ground beside a cherry blossom tree. It was simple, but beautiful.  

-Pardon, master?”  

Yeosang looked up at him, he didn’t really understand what he meant.  

-That will be the name of this painting. I always wanted to take care of a dog name like this, or even a cute cat I would name Byeol. But I couldn’t when I was young.”

Yeosang smiled, it was also the very first time his master talked about his life to him, even if it was just a little bit.

-so... Does that mean I win?” The fox asked, smiling.

-It’s my lost this time, yes. Tell me what you want and I will do what I can. But you can’t ask to get out of here if that’s what you were thinking about.”

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