chapter 26

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The room went completely silent, the only sound San could hear was the Rain falling and the storm combined with the loud wind outside who was making the wooden windows clap against their frames.

- repeat that.》 said san, Breaking the silence of the room .

-Oh ? Are you deaf my son? You heard it right. It's your future wife.》

Gritting his teeth, san was ready to jump at someone throat. He should have known his father would be up to do something like that .

-father there no way i will take her as my fiancé! She could be literally  my little Sister! 》

Kicking the table with his fist the oldest wolf stared at his son eyes.  

-Be careful to what you are saying! Do you realize who is her father? He is a counselor! Show both of them some respect and sit down! 》

Clapping his tongue in an angry way ,san still obeyed and sat down .but that wouldn’t mean he accepted any of that.  

-As  I said... let me introduce you to her, she is sooyung a  hybrid wolf like us.She is well educated and she have good manner and you know better than me She have the perfect age to get married.  Even if she younger than you, I'm sure she will bring you on the right path , san.》

-father , this is ridiculous ! I can't marry someone when I am already with someone else who even bear my child ! I promise you to get back in the right path as you said, but you can't force me to marry her !》

Why punching his father in the face was against the law here? Because It seemed like his father needed it.  

-Don't you dare make me a promise you can't keep again, san! You will marry her and forget about him , you have to! But If the baby he is caring is born as a rare fox like him ,then he will be a part of the family and your wife will raise him with my help . She will have the right to do what she think its  necessary for  him ! If the baby is a wolf then he will stay with his mother, i dont want it near me . Your wife will gave you better wolf hybrid than this poor low life ,You are already lucky she is kind enough to accept to marry a  failure like you as a husband .》

Getting up not able to heard it more word coming out of his father mouth, san looked straight at him completely ignoring the poor young girl.

-so you will use my child if he is a fox ? That’s what you mean?! I know you father ! I know what you're capable of !》

-  sit down choi san! Don't you dare make me repeat myself again. And as i remember you did the same thing as me my son ,You used him too. So.. I guess it is in our family blood to use the others for our own good .》

Sitting down, san growled. he wasn’t in position to put himself in more trouble or even yeosang.

-when you planning this absurdity?》

He answered, he hated it to heard that .but in the end, he knew he was the same piece of trash as his father. He used more  people he could count of his fingers only for is own good and nothing more.  

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