chapter 7

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In that morning, San slowly woke up first as he rubbed his eyes with his hand slowly while yawning. He was tired and the day hasn’t even started yet. He looked down on his chest as he felt something heavy on it, he simply meets fluffy blond hairs. It was the fox head. He looked a bit too much comfortable laying on him like that. He couldn’t help but caress his back with the tip of his finger, he didn’t love affection in the morning with the person he fucked with the night before, but with him... He didn’t really mind. Don’t ask why, he didn’t know either.

Letting out some noises and growling, Yeosang finally woke up. It has been a while since he slept on something this comfortable. He opened his eyes slowly, he was mostly surprised to meet with a strong chest-  

-Oh master! I'm sorry I didn’t know, I’m sorry-” he said, panicking, while he sat carefully.  

How did that happen? The only thing he remembered was that he fell asleep in his master arms on the wooden porch and now, he was in his bed. The wolf only sighed, as he sat down at his turn. He looked at the fox who was staring at him for a minute like he was trying to understand something. He chuckled and looked at the smaller body, more precisely on the marks on his neck, thinking he should make even more in the future.

-Don’t think too much. Just go find Yunho and come back with him in front of the gate. We are leaving in an hour, tell him you need to change yourself. I’m tired to see this dirty hanbok on you.”

The wolf then got up, and put on another hanbok on slowly. He looked back to see that Yeosang was trying to get up from the bed with a hard time. Sighing, San got in front of him and extended his hands towards him. Yeosang hesitated at first, but he finally took it and was able to get up on his feet, trying to ignore the pain he had once again on his back and his wrists. He still had bruises on them, but at least they were slowly starting to get better, his other injury also.  

-Thank you, young master... But where are we going...?”

-You will see by yourself later, now you can go.”

Yeosang bow his head slowly and took his time to put his hanbok back on, getting out of the room limping a bit, but then he stopped in front of the door. He noticed that he didn’t feel the wet substance dripping between his thighs like the day before, but he remembered clearly his master did cum inside of him... Did his master take a bit of time to clean him? Shaking his head, he decided he didn’t want to think too much about it, even more that early in the morning. Closing the door behind himself, he jumped slightly when he went face to face with Haneul. He didn’t think she would be there, he should be more careful. With his sense of smell, he should have guessed she was close. She looked up and down at him. She stared at his bite mark on his neck, as she gave him a disgusted look in return.  

-Look at that. You became a whore like the other dog. How pathetic of you.” She giggled as she walked inside of the room.  

Yeosang grinned his teeth, some day she will get what she deserves. San slowly tied his belt, thinking about the night he had with the fox. He didn’t even notice he was smiling until the door opened again with the rabbit hybrid going in. She quickly noticed her master was about to leave, since he was already dressed for it. Normally, he would wait for her to help him change... But not that time. She decided to not take any mind of that and walked inside of the room to be closer to her master. She took the time to fix his clothes a bit, straighten it, only to get a stare from him. Again, she decided to let it slide.  

Because You Are My First Love |||sansang,Hybrid AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu