chapter 24

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Letting go of the hug, San took his hand instead to bring him toward the fox’s room, until a servant crossed their path.  

Bowing down his head in front of the wolf, the servant didn’t know what to. he hated when the master was staring that deeply at him like this.

-Tell to my father I will see him tomorrow morning. »  

-San, if I was you, I wouldn’t do that. You want more problem? Father is already upset at you, don't make it worst.  You, you can leave. 》

Looking to the side when the servant walked away as fast as he could, san looked back at jongho. His arms were crossed on his chest with a serious expression stamped on his face. He was standing in a doorframe close by.

-I wish to know how it feels like when you're not a disappointment to our family like me. Even if I go there tonight and talk with father, that won’t change a single thing. So, I will go to yeosang room instead father won't go there knowing him. »  

Jongho sighed, why his older was always this stubborn? He just wanted to help him to bring him back to the right path in life.  But not matter what he could said, his brother wouldn’t change a single thing.  

-San!  that’s maybe not as worst as you think. Just go see him and everything is going to be just fine! »  

Gritting his teeth, san didn't leave the others eyes. while yeosang didn't said anything. He didn't like to be between a brothers fight. Even more when he felt like he was a bit responsible of it.  

-bullshit. You said that because you are on the good side of father! Keep those beautiful words to yourself, do you remember the last time you said something like that to me? It was before our mother death. Guess what? It didn't do shit. »  San then walked away toward his room, holding yeosang hand tighter.  At the point the fox was almost scared if he would break it in half.  

-San... I was just trying to help you. »  

- like I said, beautiful words can't change the world jongho.  But if you really want to help me, start to stop licking our father ass. »  

Now angry at his turn jongho, just left his brother walk away, if he didn't want to help himself first, he couldn’t do it for him.


Now in yeosang room, San let go Yeosang hand to lay down on his bed. He sighed while closing his eyes, he knew his father would try to break them apart in the future.  

And he didn’t want to let that happen.  

Looking down at his master, yeosang sat beside him.  He was happy. he finally showed him some interest, but now he was a bit worried about him. he should have took some advice from his brother. If he wanted to be the next minister too.  

-  master..I.. I was wondering... A noble like you shouldn’t be worried for a low life like me... you will be the next minister of the defense. you have the possibly to work at the palace. You can't do that-》

Because You Are My First Love |||sansang,Hybrid AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن