bonus chapter- wooyoung-

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A/N: as promised , this is the bonus chapter about wooyoung past ! You can skip it as you wish since it's not important to the story,  it's only if you want to know his past !

I hope you will enjoy it ❤❤❤

Yawning loudly while putting his hand in front of his mouth, a young eight years old hybrid cat named Wooyoung was finally ready to go in his bed, completely tired. It has been a long day for him, he was so happy that he played with all of his friends until very late. It was really rare for his parents to let him have fun this long. They would rather give him some duties to do in the house instead, but he didn’t really mind. His parents needed his help to live better.

But when he was about to go sleep on his blanket that was on the ground, he stopped walking. He could smell two distinct smells of hybrids on the porch outside. Curious, the young cat opened the door slightly, and closed it as fast as he could when his eyes met two men in front of his door. Panicking, Wooyoung ran to see his parents' who was talking to each other.

-Eum.. I’m sorry father, mother... B-but two strange people are outside...”

-Open the door, let them in.” His mother said, without even looking at him.

He nodded his head, he wasn’t sure if it was a good idea, but he sure didn’t want to upset his parents. Doing as told, he opened back the door slowly to the strangers. He felt very intimidated and small in front of the men, what did they want? Why they were staring up and down at him like that?

-Our master will be happy, he’s young and beautiful. He’s exactly like he was looking for.”

Even if he was young, Wooyoung quickly understood what they meant by that. He looked back at his mother, his poor face turned almost to red with how much he was angry.

-I... I wasn’t good enough you had to sell me!”

Grinning her teeth, his mother went in front of him and she grabbed a handful of his hair from the back of his head. She stared at him directly in the eyes.

-Nothing comes free in this world, son. Nothing is free.”

-Some things should be." Responded directly the poor boy.

She didn’t let go of her grip in his hair, simply pulled him closer to her.

-Don’t touch me mother!” Wooyoung yelled out of his lungs.

-Then get out.” She responded in a cold tone, letting him go violently almost pushing him on the ground and pointing her finger towards the door.

His father stood further, without moving or even saying anything. Why? Why father... Why mother? Wooyoung thought. Why were they doing that? He knew they weren’t nobles, they couldn’t even eat three meals each day. But for Wooyoung, it wasn’t a reason to sell him.

Knowing the child wouldn’t gently follow them, one of the men simply swung him over his shoulder like he was nothing.

-Let me go! Don’t touch me!” He wouldn’t go without a fight. He started swinging his arms and legs everywhere, hitting the man.  

-There, for you.” The other man extended a small bag full of money towards his parents.  

His mother didn’t even say anything, and simply took it while her son was taking away forever from her..


The first year Wooyoung passed in the Kiseang house, was really hard for him. And by being a hybrid cat, his first reflex was to transformed in his cat form and hide inside of his room when he realized he would really become a kiseang. He cried so much all nights, hidden in the back of his room. He just wanted to be a normal boy, he wanted to play with his three friends once more. He wanted to live his childhood like every normal hybrid child in Joseon.

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