bonus chapter-mingi-part 2

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A/n: im sorry about the last chapter , he was a little mess i have so many problem with my phone ! I hope you still loved it !


Some months had passed since then.

Mingi was all alone by himself. 

After that accident, his family was no longer considerate as a part of the nobles. As soon as the news of his family was being annihilate, someone else took the post of his father at the Gouvernement. That someone else was the father of his old friend Dohyun : Chong-Pil. 

All of that was planned since a long time ago, the day he was invited to go out and hunts with him... it was only an excuse to make him go out of his house when his family was savagely murdered in cold blood, so he could get accused for this crime since he would be the first one to discover them. 

Like that, the only son still alive could never took his father’s place. And at the same time, they had a criminal to take responsibility for it.

And it perfectly worked. 

Since he was the only one who discovered his house in fire and is dead family, he was accused for killed them and burning down the house right after his supposed crimes. 

So, he run away before they got him. 

He wouldn't end up in prison as he was innocent. They wouldn‘t get away with it either, if they wanted a real criminal, they would get it. 

The only reason why he wanted to stay alive was because he felt his blood boil inside of him. He had so much anger , he just wanted to hurt the people who killed his family and  himself, The old mingi he was before die with them that same day. 

And this is how ..Day by day , week by week..he started to kill each member of his friend family. 

The only one responsible of it. 

But, his real goal was to kill the son and the father. With some reach and help of some peoples who hated them too, he finally found the son one day around midnight.  The one he thought he was a trusted friend. 

Jumping down from the roof where he was standing ,he jump and landed on his feet  behind the hybrid leopard . 

Feeling someone behind him, the leopard looked behind him only to meet a pair of yellow eyes reflecting in the dark. 

It was scary. They were no way to describe it.

And Unfortunately, he well knew which person had those type of eyes. 

-w..what.. M.. mingi what are you doing here ..?it's been a while..."he responded nervously. While he  back up a bit until his back meet the wall behind him. 

A sword was shoved beside his head on the Wooden wall, He shivered from fear. He just wanted to run away and scream to get some help. 

- p..please...Dont kill me mingi ! Im s..sorry  ! About what happened i..i couldnt stop my father! I will do everything for you..n-now..spare me im..still your friend !!" 

- AH AH ! Don’t you think my family begged for their life too ? Do you think my oldest brother didn't try to fight back for our family safety, do you remember ?he can't even stand on his two feet dohyun!!" 

Angry more than ever mingi moved the long sword from the wall to stab his friend in the middle of his stomach, he then pulled out his sword right after like it was nothing, his sword was now soil by his old friend blood. 

- aah~ ...I think you need to understand how it's feel like when you can only crawls all day without the help of your legs ." 

-!!" Yelled dohyun holding the wound on his stomach trying to stop the  bleeding the best he could. 

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