chapter 4

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Yeosang looked everywhere in the room, until his eyes met the ones of his master. He felt a knot forming in his stomach, because of the sudden wave of stress.  

-You may be wondering why I called you here. First, tell me your name.”

The fox only nodded his head as an approval by instinct, but he didn’t know how to deal with his master. At first, he thought he would be way older than that, but he was quite wrong.  

-You can talk, I won’t eat you.”

How was it possible for Yeosang to trust this man with the smirk he had stuck to his face?

-My... name is Yeosang. But why did you call me here?”

Sighing, San took out a paper he was hiding somewhere in his room. When he looked at the small writing on it, a big smile appeared on his face once again. He moved the paper in front of the fox, even if he was a little bit far in the room. He wanted to show it to the fox and explain what he was expecting of him.

-First of all, I wanted to show you this. This is the contract you stamped before coming here. Do you know at least what is written on it?”

Yeosang looked at him straight in the eyes, he didn’t know if the other was joking or not. He didn’t even looked like he was a person who had that type of knowledge.

-Master... Do I look like I can read...?”

The fox still tried to see the paper in the darkness of the room, without success, even if his master was moving it around. He was pretty sure it was the paper the group forced him to stamp before. San only chuckled looking up at the fox face, he looked very confused and lost.  

-My bad, but by looking at your face you get it right? Poor thing... This is a contract specially made for a new slave like you. It’s saying that you are mine since you put a single foot in this domain. You belong to me now. It was even approved by the government as well. The contract says that you should listen to your master and stay by his side. You need to serve him until he decides otherwise.”

Yeosang looked at his new master, being all proud of himself while telling him all of this. He understood what was waiting for him the moment he accepted to go with the group, it wasn’t really surprising him. But his master seemed like he wasn’t finish and that he should expect something worst. And he was right when his master started speaking once again.

-Or else, you can still pray I will get tired of you. But I don’t know what you did to have such a huge price like that. You are the only slave who cost me this much and only with that, I can guarantee you will serve me for a long, long time.”

The wolf smiled, hiding the contract right away to be sure the fox wouldn’t touch it. But San only lied about two things. He already had his money back, and the contract wasn’t approved by the government. The person he made the deal with only gave him this fake contract for the formality he needed. And to make it worst, his father was one of the six ministers. He didn’t even know that his son took his money to buy another slave for his own need. But anyway, it’s not like the fox could see the difference with a true contract. San’s father will probably let it slide again.  

Now smiling brightly, San untied his small belt and took off the top of his hanbok. His chest was now all exposed, revealing his well sculpted abs. While doing all of this, he didn’t let go of the boy eyes that standing in front of him who looked very nervous since he started to play with the tips of his fingers. He didn’t know how to process the information he had heard.  

-So now. Sit on my lap to find out what I want from you tonight.”

-W...What... No, I can’t master it would be a sin towards you I’m only a servant and-”

-What did I just tell you! Don’t make me repeat myself, get on my lap before I make you.”

The dominant voice of his master sent him chills, his presence itself was intimidating. That didn’t make him want to disobey his order. He walked slowly towards his master watching carefully where he was going just in case, since he had some difficulties to see in the darkness in the room. When he was in front of him, he took the extended hands that were offered to him and sat on his lap. San quickly noticed the big bruise he had on each of his wrists when he grabbed his hands. Even his neck had a big red line. He sighed, unhappy to see that on his new toy. He put his hands on his small waist, pulling him firmly towards him to break the distance between them. Yeosang face became all red by this sudden proximity. His brain couldn’t process what was happening, until a slight smell catches his nose. His master was a wolf, he should have thought about it he acted way too much like one.  

Suddenly his master bent his face a bit further, so their face was a few centimeters apart from each other. He surprised himself thinking about how pretty his master was, his green eyes were almost reflecting in the dark. His face was beautiful and well sculpted. The more he looked at him, the more he thought he looked like a person that the gods made by themselves.

-See? That wasn’t so hard. And what are you staring at?”

Hearing the voice of his master made him come back to reality. He looked down, embarrassed, that his master caught him staring.

-I asked you a question, answer it.”  

He took the fox chin with the tips of his fingers, lifting his face up. He must admit to himself, he was gorgeous. He had never seen someone with this unique color of eyes before. The more he looked at him, the more he felt a desire to savor each small part of him.

-I... I was only looking at you... I just... Thought you were handsome...”

The wolf smirked once again, satisfied to hear that from the other man. He wasted no more time to smack his lips against the fox’s and slid his hand down on his ass, squeezing it harshly. Yeosang eyes grew wide, he didn’t know what to do, but he knew that pushing his master off wasn’t an option at all. Without even really realising it, and by the sudden heat of the moment, he kissed him back and slid his arms in a shy manner around his shoulders. The kiss became soon very messy, their tongue played with each other fighting for dominance, which San won easily.  

Breaking the kiss, San sank his head in the deep of his neck not too long after, biting him hard with his canine. Yeosang whined at the pain, it was hurting like hell, but a small part inside of him seemed to enjoy the treatment he was having. As the hybrid wolf he was, San loved to see his own mark on the fox. He decided to just do that, bite and kissing him where he wanted to. Yeosang felt like he couldn’t stay still, he moved his hips down against his master as he blushed feeling something hard pressing against his ass. San smiled once again and slapped his ass softly.  

-Are you trying to seduce me? That’s unfair.” master I just... w-we shouldn’t do that... and... why me?”

-because I want to, I can do what I want. I know you want it as I do, and now since I answered your question, no more talking and let’s fuck.”  

Yeosang gulped, not ready at all to what will happen next. He was a bit scared, but he couldn’t do anything else than receive what his master will give him. He couldn’t run away when he sold himself, he knew something like that could happen. But hey, it couldn’t be that bad... Right?

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