chapter 10

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San sighed while he took his hat off, and put it carefully on the small table in front of him. They were lucky to have found the Kiseang house that San was used to go, since it wasn’t that far from where they were at. He looked on his right and his left, there was one Kiseang on each side of him on the summer bed and the only male Kiseang was sitting on his knees, in front of San, smiling. And by his different smell, he knew he was a human. The others were a simple mouse and a tanuki hybrid.  

Yeosang was sitting alone on a cushion, his stats still not back to normal. He tried to think about something else and looked at all of the Kiseang, they were really pretty. After all, they weren’t like every hybrid or human. They were women and men artist who accompanied their customers. Some were specialist in art, music poetry and conversation skills with men and they had some basic of medicine. Even if they were low rank, they were well respected. Some could sleep with the customers, but not all of them.

-Young master, we missed you. Who is the beautiful fox who came with you today?” Said the hybrid mouse, while she served him a cup of Soju. San didn’t waste any time to drink it.

-He’s my slave I bought not too long ago. And don’t you dare to think you can do whatever you want with him tonight.”

-Ohh sir, I see you have quite a good taste. But what do you think about drinking with the three of us tonight? We will take good care of you.”  

This time, it was the tanuki lady who spoke, she looked like the oldest there. She knew how to deal with every type of customers. San only nodded his head, while he looked at the fox who was a bit far away in the room, who still didn’t seem to feel better. He sighed and accepted the other drink who was offered to him, completely ignoring the human that was on the ground in front of them, even when he tried to talk to him. Yeosang looked at his turn towards his master, or more precisely, the two girls who was smiling gently at the wolf while they served him drink. He couldn’t even count how many cups his master took since they were there.  

He sighed lightly, he just wanted to leave even if his body was completely messing with him. He didn’t want to see his master with some girls, playing with him. He didn’t know why, he should be happy since the wolf wasn’t touching him for once. But he was far away from being happy, that’s for sure. Instead, he wanted to be at their place, he wanted to be the one giving him drinks, to be closer to him and be touched by him where he wanted to.  

He started rubbing his thighs together, he felt kind of uncomfortable in his lower region. His mind was started to imagined how many other things he could do with the wolf again. His master could be on top of him, looking down like a predator looking at his prey. Then he would start to touch him... Teasing him to make him beg to have more. And he would find himself, legs spread, so he could fuck him and use him like he wante-

-Hey my poor boy, are you feeling alright? Your face is all red, may I can stay with you to help?”  

The human said as he got up from his place, since the noble was ignoring him. He went in front of the fox, smiling softly. Without really waiting for the fox to answer, he sat beside him, very close to the point their thighs were touching each other's. Yeosang face became way redder than it was before, if it was possible. The human was very pretty. But not as much as his master. He looked down, without feeling any relief with his problem, he felt something very soft and small caress his cheek. Turning his head, he saw the human still smiling gently to him, hand on his cheek. He had strangely some kind of energy who could calm him down a bit, he was quite charming. This is why every man and women were falling for some Kiseang? He couldn’t deny, he understood why.

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