chapter 13

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** A/N: this chapter is a bit longer i hope you dont mind ~~~!

Yeosang took a deep breath, trying to get out his stress at the same time. He looked at the door in front of him, it wasn’t a room that he was supposed to put his foot in in the first place, because it was only for the nobles. He never ate with one of them before and it was stressing him more than anything else in this world. At that moment, he regretted his idea. He didn’t know the good etiquette at the table. He just hoped his master wouldn’t punish him for a fault he would probably make... Surely make. Why did he think with his stomach instead of his brain?

-I can smell your stress from here, just get in.” His master says on the other side of the door.

Taking another deep breath to gain some courage, the fox slid the door open before walking in and closing it behind him. He looked up at his master and bowed his head to him in a respectful way. He then took a small look at the table full of food, it had so many varieties. He didn’t even think they could even eat all of that. He was mostly happy to see that his famous chicken was there as the wolf promised.

-Don’t just stood there, come sit beside me.”

Nodding, Yeosang walked slowly to sat on the small cushion just beside his master’s. He played with his fingers while looking at the table, the atmosphere was a bit awkward. The nervosity of the fox was showing way too much. Sighing, San took the bottle of wine that made in porcelain, and also took a small bowl with his other hand and he generously poured a good quantity of wine into it.  

-This is the first time ever I serve a servant so drink it and enjoy it the best you can, there.” He says while extending him the drink.  

The fox took it carefully, and looked up at the noble. It was mostly weird to enjoy his company like they were normal ‘friends’, after all the night they shared together.  

-Listen, it’s your reward. So for tonight, just act like you want. And, the wine is pretty strong.”

Smiling softly, Yeosang turned his head to the opposite side of his master and covered his mouth with the long sleeve of his hanbok. While taking a small sip, Yeosang couldn’t help but make a small grin. He was right, the alcohol was pretty strong. How a noble could be used to that taste? Giving it another chance, Yeosang drank all of the wine slowly. It wasn’t that bad in the end, at first it was sour and strong. After, the taste was sweeter and kind of good.

-You seem to enjoy the wine. How is it?”

-I-it was weird at first... But I like it.”

Smirking, San poured another good amount of the wine in his bowl once more.

-Then drink, and eat your chicken as much as your heart desires.”

Smiling, Yeosang drank as San gave him more, he repeated the same action as before. It was the only thing he could do to be polite, was to simply accept everything. The night was better than the fox imagined it would be. He surprised himself to enjoy the company of his master, all they did was drink and eat every single thing on the table. The noble didn’t seem to mind that yeosang made some mistakes in his manners. Instead, he only proposed different type of alcohol. They continued with the wine for a while, then he tried soju, and a drink called Makgeolli. He did enjoy all of the different flavors after some bowls, even the chicken was the best he had ever eaten in his entire life. But the only thing he didn’t think through was is tolerance of alcohol... was weaker than he thought.  

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