chapter 3

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The next morning, the fox could feel his whole-body arching, even though he slept well. Probably a result of the day before. He would give absolutely anything to sleep a little bit more, but somebody had another idea. He knew his sleep was over when he felt something poking his cheek repeatedly, waking him from the wonderful world of dreams. He closed his eyes tighter, hoping that he could get at least another minute. It seems like he forgot where he was.  

-Come on we don’t have all day! I need to show you around and teach you the duty you will be in charge of with me. And after that we can eat, you must be very hungry since you didn’t eat yesterday!”

When his ears heard the word ‘eat’, Yeosang stomach growled loudly telling him to get up, which he did quickly and hurried to arranged his bed before walking to the dog. He stood beside him as Yunho smiles as he was thinking how cute the other was acting. Even more with his messy and beautiful blond hair. Yunho got out of the room followed by Yeosang, as the fox looked everywhere since the hallway was way brighter and looked way bigger than the night before with all of the windows opened.

They walked around the domain, outside like inside. Yunho showed him where he would be doing his chores in multiples rooms, and telling him how they worked there to not get in trouble. Yeosang listens carefully to everything the dog says nodded from time to time while looking everywhere. The domain was huge but also beautiful. It wasn’t like his small town where he came from, everything was so different. Even though he was looking around the place, he could still remember all of what Yunho had said. He had a lot of cleaning chores in different places, but he could do it with a bit of experience. He simply hoped he won’t get lost. As they were walking outside, they could see in the distance two women servants coming their way. Both of the canine didn’t pay any attention to them since they were in the middle of an explanation, until they were almost side by side. One of the servants walked straight into Yunho, hitting him strongly with her shoulder into his ribs, since she was way smaller. The dog made a weird face as he put his hand on the hit spot, rubbing it slightly.  

-Watch where you are going, whore.”

The women said as she continued on her merry way, chuckling with the other one. Yeosang turned suddenly with big eyes ready to destroy her self-esteem with words, but he closed his mouth back as he felt a hand holding his shoulder. He looked at the dog, who didn’t have moved at all since it happened, he was looking down with the saddest expression the fox had ever seen. Before he turned his head towards Yeosang with a weak smile.  

-It’s fine don’t worry about it. Come on, the tour isn’t over.”

Yunho said as he started walking once again, but Yeosang wasn’t having any of it.

-They can treat you like that..?”

-It’s better for both of us if we don’t do anything. I’m strong I can hold a hit!”

The puppy said, faking a laugh as he came back to grabbed Yeosang arm to make him walked once again by his side. The fox followed but looked behind them at the corner of his eye, but the servants were gone. He sighed slightly, he didn’t want Yunho to get treated like that since he was the sweetest man he had seen, but he didn’t want them to get both in trouble. He didn’t know why they would call him a ‘whore’, but he wouldn’t ask Yunho. It wasn’t his to ask...

They continued the tour of the rest of the domain for a bit more, until it was time Yeosang had been waiting for, for a while. Diner. He sat on a wooden table with straw covering it, outside in the shadows of the building with his bowl in hands. Yunho was still waiting for his food a bit further so he sat alone waiting for him. He paced a small towel on his thigh before placing his bowl to eat calmly, hoping not to get disturbed. He started to eat slowly he was way to hungry to wait for the dog, but he knew Yunho wouldn’t mind it.

-You are the new fox slave, aren’t you? The young master is waiting for you.”

He talked too fast. He sighed a bit before turning his head around to see a servant standing in front of him with her arms crossed. She looked like she was in a bad mood, but that wasn’t a surprise to him at all. He noticed that all the other servants weren’t nice to have around. He then looked down at his food, he didn’t even had time to finish it yet...

-Eum... I will finish this before, I’m very hungry...”

-A low born like you have the audacity to make our young master wait? No. You can’t. Now come.”

Bitch. Yeosang thought as he looked in the direction of Yunho. He should at least tell him where he was going before he gets worried if he just disappeared without saying anything.  

-I will advise him for you, now follow me.”

Yeosang only sighed before putting down his bowl and got up to followed her. They got inside of the domain again, the fox followed her in a part of the domain he didn’t visited that morning. He was a bit curious about it though, but he supposed that he will get a response soon as they were still going further. They continued for a bit more until the lady stopped and slid a door suddenly, and signal him to go inside. Yeosang walked in slowly, he was only surprise to see a wooden bath in the middle of the room. They had a wooden pole with some clean clothes hanging on it. He didn’t understand what it was supposed to mean. Didn’t the master wanted to see him?

-You need to take a bath before, you smell. After that change into the new clothes there, I will escort you to the master.”

If he didn’t need a bath at that moment, he would have stayed like that only to piss her off. He didn’t like her at all. He took off his dirty clothes before getting in the bath. The water was the right temperature and it even had flower, who smelled very good, floating on the water. That was the first time in his live he was taking a bath like this one. He still couldn’t understand why that was this important to take a bath before meeting this damn master. He sighed loudly in annoyance. He guessed he would see by himself later.

After some minutes, he got out of the water and looked down at his stomach and like he thought, he had a big bruise where the raccoon punched him. Even his wrists were still a tone of purple and red. He couldn’t wait for the bruises to disappear.

-If you are over, get out. It’s taking you way too long.”

Yeosang growled while grinning his teeth, how someone can be this irritating? He took the clean clothes and put them on. He finally got out of the room, facing the annoying women.

-Try to cover your neck a bit, it’s all red the master won’t like to see that.”

The fox ignored her, having more than enough of her already. He didn’t ask to get injured like that. She sighed at his behavior, but she chooses to let it slid for that time. They walked again, but not too far this time, before she stopped in front of another room.

-Young master, he is here like you asked.”

-Let him in.”  

She nodded and opened the door for the fox. Yeosang gulped nervously before taking a deep breath and going inside of the dark room. The only small source of light was the candles around in the room, his eye had a hard time focusing in the dark like always, but the other could see clearly making his vision a bit blurry.

The young master was sitting on a cushion a bit further from him, he was smirking like a predator, licking his top lip unconsciously. Luckily the fox couldn’t see it. He thought he would be way uglier than that, but to his surprise, he was quite young and gorgeous. He didn’t regret to give his trust to the wolf, he had quite a good taste.

-you may wonder why i called you here this late ‘’

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