chapter 8

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Walking outside of the domain to go in front of the gate, Yeosang noticed his master was already waiting for them. He couldn’t help but to look at the wolf who was sitting on a beautiful, shiny, black horse, who only had a white spot on his forehead. He was beautiful. He couldn’t imagine the prize of a beast like that one. He looked at his master next, who was well dress for that day, with his white and blue pastel hanbok accessories by his black hat. Everyone could see he was a noble, one who had the money to buy everything he wanted. Even slaves, like him.

-You two almost made me wait for you.”

-We are truly sorry, young master. It won’t happen again, please forgive us.”  

Yunho said, bowing his head low to excuse his fault. Yeosang did the same action to not piss his master off, he wanted to pass a beautiful day.

-Master, don’t be too harsh on them. They try their best.”

Sighing, San ignored the new man who just arrived behind them. Yeosang turned his head to the side, to see the person who was releasing a quite strong smell.

-Brrr... it’s very cold outside. Don’t you think?”  

The unknown man said, while shivering from the cold.

-But nice to meet you. My name is Mingi! I’m the personal guard of our master. But, you don’t have to be formal with me. Since, in the end, I’m a low grade just as you guys are.” Continued the hybrid tiger, bowing is head in front of them, smiling.  

-N-nice to meet you too, I’m Yeosang.”  

The fox responded bowing his head in return. But was he the only one that felt this hot that day? But really, never Yeosang thought once in his life he will see a hybrid tiger bow to servants like them. He had many questions for him. Why a hybrid like him would end up low grade like that? What he did... Or more like say... What happened to him? He looked at his attire, he had beautiful red hair who was tied up with a black ribbon. Even his whole hanbok was black. His wrists were covered with some bandages... Maybe he was injured? He looked at his large waistband to see a black sword attached to it. The fox gulped a bit, he looked very intimidating. Even more with his yellow eyes, we had the impression he was looking up at your soul.  

-If you are over, I would like to go.”

-Yes, yes master. We are going.” Responded the tiger, nonchalant.

He went to open the gate so they could go, San got out first with his horse, followed in the back by the dog and Yeosang. When they were out, he walked outside at his turn to close back the gate to run back to them. Then he quickly gained his place beside his master, looked like he was lock to his master’s side. Not ready to leave him anything soon. Yeosang was surprise to see the bond they had with each other. If they were in another life, or world, he really thought they could be real equal best friends. Not only a guard and his master. Getting out of his thoughts, Yeosang walked slowly to join Yunho who was behind their master and Mingi. He looked up, and even if the sky was grey, the temperature was quite hot and he didn’t really know why. He sighed, and simply hoped it wouldn’t rain that day. He didn’t want to get all wet.  

They walked for about an hour without any stop, and Yeosang was already tired even if he was quite use to walk for long distances. But those days, his nights were always disturbed. No wondering why. He looked at Yunho, who was on his right, he was surprised to see the dog eyes weren’t leaving the back of the tiger. Why was he looking so sad? He felt his heart squeezed in his chest. He hated to see the dog look so sad...

Because You Are My First Love |||sansang,Hybrid AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن