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A/N: This is Emily's dress FYI~

A/N: This is Emily's dress FYI~

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The music was loud and people were louder. I found myself shaking with nerves. I had never been to one of my brother's parties and I was worried that people would swarm me. I knew I had to go in and sort some shit out before I got drunk but I was terrified.

"You will be ok," Steve said, "Find Tony before you chicken out,"

I nodded and let out a shaky breath before I pushed the doors open. I felt people turn to look at me but that might have been because I had Steve next to me. I rushed off once I spotted my brother and I grabbed his hand before dragging him away from Pepper and a few others. For once, he didn't protest. We stepped into the cool air of New York and he closed the balcony doors before walking over to me leaning on the wall.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Ok, so let me talk before you say anything," I said, "But you need to promise me not to leave and find Jared,"

"I'm listening and...fine. I will leave the bastard alone,"

I swallowed hard, "Ok. So the reason we went on a break wasn't that he kept cheating. He...he punched me,"

I saw Tony's face darken and I had to grab him before he ran back inside.

"Listen!" I yelped as he dragged me after him, "Anthony...listen,"

"God damn. Fine!"

"Bucky scared him the day I was picked up. I told him that we were on a break until I figured out what I wanted," I said holding onto him tightly, "But you were right. I was an idiot to stay with him so I went to see him before I came here. Steve took me and we had words. He called me this and that and Steve saw him grab me. He scared him away before saying that I was his girlfriend,"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"But!" I said quickly, "We aren't in a relationship. He said it to make sure that Jared would stay away from me. I know it will be in the news so I needed to tell you before it got out of control. I know you will clear everything up,"

"You and Steve aren't together,"

"No. I said. We are just friends. I promise,"

Tony sighed and rubbed his eyes, "I will sort that out. F.R.I.D.A.Y, make sure that any photo taken of Emily and Steve tonight have been deleted,"

"On it sir," F.R.I.D.A.Y said.

"If anyone asks, I sent Steve with an assistant to scope the club for a potential buyer and I wasn't interested when I saw the clientele," Tony said and then he turned to me, "Why didn't you tell me that Jared punched you?"

I shrugged, "I was scared,"

"Oh, you idiot," He sighed and hugged me, "Don't ever be scared to tell me things. You are my sister and I love you. I don't want to see you get hurt but I do understand why you didn't tell me. I would have paid him a visit,"

"I'm ok now. He won't come near me anymore. I ended it properly tonight,"

"Good. I'm glad," He said and he looked down at what I was wearing, "Could you not find anything that covered your body up more?"

I rolled my eyes, "Have you seen what Nat is wearing?"

"Only a little," He smiled, "Ok. You are fine. I don't want anyone hitting on you or they will deal with me,"

"I can look after myself," I said, "Try not to get grey hairs and chill out. Don't forget that Nat is my best friend and the avengers will kick anyone that gets out of hand,"

"True. Ok. Just enjoy yourself, don't get too drunk, if you are drinking, and don't do anything I wouldn't do. If that is the right saying," He frowned, "I don't know. I've had a bit to drink and I think Thor gave me the strong stuff,"

I laughed and kissed Tony on the cheek, "I love you, bro."

"I love you too, sis," He said with a smile, "Now, let's get back inside so I can introduce you to everyone,"

"Not happening," I said rushing back inside, "I'd rather be kept a secret!"

"Fat chance!" Tony laughed and walked to Pepper, kissing her. I smiled and headed to the bar to find Nat.

"Hey bitch," She said holding me a drink. I downed it in seconds, "Wow. You do realise how strong I made that,"

"Yes," I sighed, "I needed a drink. I know I don't drink but tonight I really need to get drunk,"

"What happened? Steve told me what he said to you and that bastard is lucky I weren't there,"

"It's alright. Everything has been sorted and no, we aren't dating. I know that smile,"

"I can't believe he said that to look after you," Wanda said, "I think he likes you as well,"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you fucking blind or just stupid?" Nat said, "Steve has had the hots for you since you first met. He is just too shy to ever say anything. Why do you think he keeps asking for that meal?"

"To be nice to me? We are friends,"

"This is getting interesting," Wanda smiled, "Both super soldiers have the hots for you. I wonder who will come out on top and by that, I don't mean in bed,"

I rolled my eyes, "Stop it. Both of you. Even if they do both like me, I won't be the cause of their fallout. I'm just a girl and they have been friends since World War Two,"

"You are a beautiful girl and you deserve to be happy," Nat said, "I'm sure they won't fight over you or fallout. They are grown-ass men. Hot though,"

"Then why don't you go for one of them?" Wanda asked and I giggled, "What is so funny?"

"Our Black Widow has the hots for something big and green," I winked at Nat who blushed.

"Shut up, you bitch," Nat muttered and poured herself another drink, "Yes. I like Bruce but I don't think anything will happen,"

"Why not?"

"He still doesn't forgive me for pushing him out of a plane," Nat rolled her eyes, "The big guy does but Bruce doesn't,"

"Right," I said, slamming my hands on the bar, "Let's have some drinks and go dance. I need to shake my butt right now,"

"Against someone in particular or am I good enough?" Nat wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Can I join in?" Wanda asked.

"Did you honestly think you were going to be left out?" I asked.

"Hell no," Nat said, "Ok, I vote for tequila. Who is in?"

Wanda and I threw our arms in the air.

I was probably going to regret hitting the tequila but who cared? I needed to relax a bit.


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now