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See you at dinner.

What the hell was that supposed to mean? Ok. I knew what that meant because he would see me at dinner but why did he say it like that? Not to mention the look he gave me and the way his fingers grazed my skin.

I groaned and fell face-first onto my bed, "Stop being stupid, Emily. He is just being a tease and a loser. You are better than that,"

"Knock, knock!" Nat said and I rolled on my back as she walked in. She dropped onto the bed next to me and pinched my cheek, "Is everything ok?"

"Hmm? Yeah. Just thinking,"

"Don't think too much," Nat laughed, "I was sent up to get you. Dinner is ready or by dinner, I mean Tony ordered pizza,"


"Emily, did Bucky do something to you?"

I sat up, "What do you mean?"

"Well, when he left the training room he was smirking and that was weird. He normally has this stoic expression and no one can read him," She said, "But this face was just...weird,"

"Nothing happened," I muttered, "We should get downstairs before Tony eats my pizza,"

"You'd tell me if he did something to you, right? I wouldn't want him to hurt you,"

"I don't think he has it in him to hurt me, at least not anymore," I said, "He isn't under the control of HYDRA anymore,"

"True but I still worry about it," Nat put her arm around me, "Now that you are single you can get ready to mingle on Friday night. Oh my god! You can wear that new dress we got the other day and you can flaunt your ass in front of the hot, single men,"

"Technically, I'm not single. Jared and I are on a break,"

"Break, sure. A break," She scoffed, "We both know that he is going to do something with some other chick because you are on a break,"

"If he does, then he does," I shrugged, "I can't stop that because we are-"

"On a break!" Nat finished for me, "Yes! Yes, I know. You are on a break. Personally, I think you're being a dumbass,"

"Thanks," I said as we walked into the kitchen.

"Anytime, baby," Nat winked at me and we joined the others at the table. The only chair free, thanks to Nat, was between Steve and Bucky. I let out a small sigh and dropped onto the seat.

"Tony," I said.

"Emily," Tony said biting into a pizza slice, "I know what you are going to say but my answer is no. You can't skip the party on Friday and no, you will not wear something too revealing. You will talk to people and you will have fun. This is your first Stark party and you will be there,"

I dropped my shoulders, "I don't like parties. I especially don't like your parties. They are loud, full of stupid games and too much alcohol,"

"You don't have to drink as much as the others or you don't have to drink," Tony said looking at me, "I know your relationship with it. If it will make you feel any better, I will have the bartender give you mocktails all night,"

"Tony, I don't-"

"No excuses, young lady," Tony said wagging his finger at me, "You will be there,"

I rubbed my face, "Fine. But I have some shit to do beforehand."

"Which is what?"

"Not your concern," I muttered and he narrowed his eyes at me, "Tony, don't give me that look,"

"What look? I'm worried about you. I don't want you to go back to him,"

"Who said I was going back to him?"

"Emily, I'm not stupid. You always go back to him and every time he promises you one thing and ends up breaking it. He has hurt you over and over again, yet you can't see how toxic he is for you," Tony said, "As your brother, I only want to look out for you and Jared is a toxic prick. You are much better than some lowlife that has cheated on you for years. A guy who doesn't know how to treat you. Emily, you could do a lot better which is why I have you a date on Friday,"

"What?" I said, my breath catching in my throat, "You have set me up a date?"

"Yes. This is the best for you. He is smart, owns his own company and-"

"I'm not interested," I said, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I'm looking out for you,"

I rubbed the bridge of my nose and shook my head, "Setting me up on some stupid date isn't looking out for me. It's trying to control my life but you seem to forget that I'm 26, not 18,"

"You came into my life at 17. I have done everything I possibly could to look after you and you don't listen to me. For once, will you please listen to me and just do as you are told,"

"Well, shit," Nat said.

"Excuse me?" I snapped narrowing my eyes, "Do as I am told? Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"I'm the one that has put a roof over your head and an endless amount of money,"

"No. Dad was the one to put a roof over my head and he never gave a shit if I was out talking to people," I got to my feet, "Stop trying to control my life. You are not dad."

"I know that!" Tony yelled and got to his feet, "But I promised him that I would look out for you and you keep getting into trouble!"

"When was the last time I got into trouble? The last time I got into trouble was the day before my 20th birthday, no thanks to you,"

"When will you stop blaming me for that?"

"When you stop trying to control my life,"

"I'm only thinking about what is best for you,"

"Then don't," I said, "I'm not hungry. I'm leaving,"

"Emily, come back to the table!" He said, calling after me, "Don't make me come after you,"

"I'd like to see you try, prick!" I snapped and the next thing I knew, Tony had grabbed my ponytail, yanking me back, "Ow!"

"Sit your ass back at that table, Emily. I won't-"

I slammed the palm of my hand against his chin and he grunted, knocking him on his ass.

"Don't tell me what to do. You are not my boss,"

Tony rubbed his jaw, "Then leave."


"Leave. If you want to be like that you can leave," Tony said, "I can't be assed with looking after you anymore especially when you don't appreciate it,"

I swallowed back my tears, "You think I don't appreciate what you do for me? Is that what you honestly think? I've always thanked you for what you have done but I'm fed up with you controlling me,"

"I don't care anymore. Leave. Look after yourself,"

I nodded, "Ok. Fine. You won't see me again. Don't worry,"

"I'm not worrying!"


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt