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TW: assault/violence against Emily


"Hey Doll?" Bucky whispered in my ear and I groaned.

"Princess? Are you still sleeping?" Steve whispered in my other ear.

"Mmm," I mumbled, "Let me sleep,"

"We can't do that. You need to get ready, Doll," Bucky kissed my cheek and I turned into him.

"Princess, we will drag you out of bed and get you dressed,"

"I'd rather you undress me," I smirked into Bucky's chest and bit his collarbone slightly and wiggled my ass against Steve, "What do you say?"

"Wake up,"

"But I don't want to,"

"Wake the fuck up!" Someone yelled in my face and I jerked away, groaning at the throb behind my eyes, "Finally. Fucking bitch,"

I blinked through the pain and I tried to grab my face but panic shot through my body when I realised they were chained behind the chair I was sitting on. I was suddenly wide awake and aware of the danger I was in.

Slasher was leaning against the far wall with a cigarette hanging from his mouth, watching me carefully. His goons were scattered around the room and my heart tried to punch its way out of my chest. My bottom lip began to tremble and I struggled against the restraints, feeling the metal cut into my ankles and wrists.

It was then I realised that I was into the suit they took me in. My eyes went wide in disgust knowing that some sick bastard got me undressed and put this measly white top over my body. It barely covered the underwear I had on and I yanked on the chains.

"You sick fuck!" I hissed out.

Slasher laughed and walked over to me, his cigarette between his fingers, "You should be saying thank you to me, that I was the one who changed you, Venus. If it was anyone else, they would have done something to your unconscious body,"

My blood ran cold, "What do you want?"

"Why do you always ask that question?" Slasher sighed, "I've always wanted you but unfortunately, I didn't grab you just for myself. My boss wants you and what he wants, he gets. I was promised they wouldn't do anything but who knows?"

"You are a sick fuck, Simon," I said through gritted teeth. The smile faded from his face and I knew I had fucked up. Good going, Emily. Make your kidnapper anger.

I opened my mouth and screamed when he pressed his cigarette against my forearm and struggled to getaway. Tears flooded my eyes and I tried to get away from him. He pulled the cigarette away and I cried out in pain, staring at the drops of blood falling from the horrible burn.

"Misbehave again, Venus. I want to see what the serum can really do,"

"That will be all," A new voice said and I tried to stare at the man but my tears blurred my vision.

"I'll do much worse next time," Slasher whispered in my ear and pressed a kiss to my cheek. I turned my head to face him and headbutted him as hard as I could. Pain shot through my head but when I saw blood dripping from my nose, I didn't care if I hurt.

"Enough!" The man yelled and Slasher lifted his hand to wipe his blood away, "Leave us. I wish to speak with her alone. Now!"

I shook in my chair as the other left and the man sat in front of me, his foot resting on his knee. He stared at me with no expression on his face and I was worried I'd throw up.

"Do you know who I am, girl?" He asked and I shook my head, "Of course. Your memories were wiped, but do not worry. You will get them back soon enough. Do you know why you are here?"

"Cause you are a sick fuck?"

The man chuckled with no emotion, "I see you have a smart mouth. That will come to an end shortly. Slasher! You may come back in now,"

The door opened and he came back with his goons, standing around us. Slasher was pulling on a pair of leather gloves and he smirked at the panic that filled my face. I could almost smell the memories of those gloves and I held back a whimper.

"If you refuse to cooperate, girl," The man said, "I will let these good men here punch you,"

"I don't need to do shit," I said quietly, "I won't be some fucked up puppet,"

"I knew you would say that," He said and clicked his fingers. My head was grabbed and I tried to jerk away. I glanced up at Clobber and Maniac holding me tightly, a smile on their faces.

"Hold still, Venus," Clobber said, "This will only hurt a little bit,"

I looked forward just in time to see Slasher's fist coming straight for my nose. I grunted in pain and my head stayed where it was as he punched me again. I cried out when he punched my jaw and his goons let my head go. I dropped my head, crying quietly in pain, my blood dripping from my nose and mouth.

Good. Let my blood, stain this stupid top.

"You will comply, girl," The man said again, "We can keep playing your silly games. You can keep getting beaten or you can just do as you are told,"

I winced and lifted my head back up. I swirled the blood around in my mouth before I spat at the man. I smirked as it hit his face, "Fuck. You,"

The man sighed and wiped the blood from his face, getting to his feet, "You leave me no choice. You will be beaten into submission and when you can barely stand, you will be taken to a machine that will force you to comply. I'm sure your Winter Soldier would tell you all about that,"

"Hey!" I cried out as Slasher went to hit me again, "Wait! Wait, please don't go!"

The man turned around and motioned Slasher away from me.

"Are you ready to comply?"

I swallowed painfully, "Come closer...I need to tell you something,"

The man lowered his head to me, his ear near my mouth.

"I'll fucking kill you," I whispered and I sunk my teeth into his ear lobe. He cried out in pain and yanked his head back. I almost threw up when I felt the skin tear in my mouth and I grinned widely, spitting part of his ear onto the floor, "That goes for everyone in this room. You better hope you don't get fucking caught before I get to you!"

"Fuck!" The man howled in pain, "Fuck! Gag that bitch and beat her to an inch of her life!"

The man was hurried out of the room and I dropped my head back, laughing. Tears fell from the side of my eyes and I closed them waiting to be punched and kicked. My blood had mixed in with the man's blood and I just laughed even more.

"You will regret that," Mad Dog said grabbing my hair and I opened my eyes to look at him, "I will fuck you up,"

"It wouldn't be the first time," I said, spitting blood at him as well, "Do your fucking worse,"


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now