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I pushed myself to my feet as Emily started attacking Bucky. She reached to his leg and ripped his knife from its sheath. Bucky ducked as she swiped at his face and the poor guy got kneed in the nose. His head snapped back and he struggled to get to his feet.

"A little help!" He called as Emily swung for him again. I rushed forward and grabbed her wrist as she went to stab him. But her fingers uncurled from the knife and dropped it into her other hand.

I just about missed the knife slashing against my stomach but it cut through my shirt instead. I jumped back once again and she went to bring the knife down into my chest, but I slammed my elbow down on her wrist making her drop the knife. Emily let out a scream of frustration and launched herself at me, wrapping her legs around my neck.

"Shit!" I cursed and I grunted as her elbow cracked against my head over and over again, "I'm so sorry, Princess,"

I grabbed her waist and I lifted her high, before ramming her down onto the table. It broke beneath her and we tumbled to the floor. I jumped to my feet expecting her to stay down but she looked at me with rage burning behind her eyes.

Bucky and I stepped back staring at her.

"What the hell is going on?" Bucky asked.

"I don't know," I said, "F.R.I.D.A.Y get Stark and everyone else up here right now!"

"On it, sir,"

Emily clicked her neck and rolled her shoulders back. In a normal situation, it would have been ridiculously sexy but she was out to kill us.

"I'm going to kill you," Emily snarled and once again charged at us.

"Damn, it Emily!" Bucky said, blocking a kick to his head, "Stop it!"

 I caught her fist as she went to punch me in the throat but we were both caught off guard when she jumped and kicked us both in the chest. We stumbled back and she came at us again. I had no idea what had gotten into her but I had never seen her fight like this.

We both knew that Emily could fight but she never like this. Whatever happened to her when she was taken was the reason. I just needed to get to the bottom of it before she got hurt.

"Doll!" Bucky grabbed both of her wrists and spun her around, crossing her arms against her chest, while he pressed against her back, "Stop this. It's us. You know us,"

"I don't know you," She said and my eyes went wide, "You're both going to die,"

Emily lifted one leg forward and threw it back followed by her other leg. I saw her grab hold of Bucky's wrist and he was tossed over her shoulder, crashing into the kitchen counter. As I went to pick him up a knife shot past my face, slicing the skin on my cheek.

"Emily, I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you," I said, "But you leave me no choice,"

She smiled widely and it felt as if my blood ran cold. It was an emotionless smile. It wasn't like my Emily.

Emily grabbed the knife that was hanging on the wall and she came at me again. It reminded me of the time I first fought Bucky and it took a lot to stop myself from getting cut. Bucky was now on his feet and joined in, but we were outmatched.

It was almost embarrassing but I was glad when Tony showed up with the others.

"What the hell is going on?" He said rushing to try and help, "Emily! Enough!"

Emily pushed Bucky and me away and stood in front of Tony. She held the knife tightly in her hands and she stared up at him, her loose hair covering most of her face. Emily looked like a crazed killer.

"Bruce, get ready with the tranquiliser,"

"Emily," Nat said walking forward with her hands up, "Are you ok?"

Emily didn't say a word.

"Sweetie? It's Nat. What happened?" Nat said, her hands still in the air, "I'm here for you. I won't hurt you, but tell me what happened,"

"Control," Emily whispered and I yelled out when she tossed the knife in Tony's direction. I reached forward to grab her but she ran past everyone and jumped into a slide, heading towards the stairs. She was on her feet and charging down.

"Don't let her leave!"

I took off after her with Bucky close on my heels. Nat wasn't far behind but we were gaining on her. Emily was running with bare feet, her favourite yoga pants and a top that Nat had given her. It was sick of me to even think how hot she looked and I wasn't going to admit it to anyone.

"Emily!" I shouted as she crashed through the doors to the ground floor, "Stop, you need to stop!"

"You'll get yourself hurt!" Bucky said.

"No, don't do it!" Nat screamed and before I could reach her, Emily covered her head and smashed the glass to escape the building.

We stepped through the broken glass and let out a sigh of defeat as we watched her sprint away from the tower, disappearing from our sights. I put my hands on my hips and looked at the bloody footprints that she had left behind.

"Fuck," Bucky breathed out and put his hands on his head, "FUCK!"

Tony was nursing a scotch with Morgan asleep on his lap. He was trying to hide his emotions but it wasn't working very well. Pepper was sitting beside him talking quietly on the phone trying to get enough people to look for Emily.

Everyone was together. 

But the most important girl in my life wasn't here.

Bucky put his hand on my shoulder and sat next to me, "How are you feeling?"

"I got my ass kicked by the girl I love," I said quietly, "She had no recognition in her face. It was like she didn't see us,"

"We were her mission," Bucky whispered, "Something triggered her in the medical room. I don't know what was said but you saw her walking onto her floor with her hands covering her ears. I think they did something to her. Similar to what they did to me,"

"Most likely," I said, gulping my drink, "What was the trigger word?"

"I don't know. I don't know," He shook his head, "Sam is out there with Thor looking for her now,"

"They won't find her. They have probably moved base," Nat said walking over, "Tony says we need to start looking in the morning,"

"They've brainwashed her," Bucky said, "If we don't find her soon, it could end badly for her and others,"

"Bucky. Steve," Tony said and we looked at him, "I...thank you for not hurting her,"


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now