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Four white walls. Two with big stupid windows that were letting in too much light. I squinted and pulled the blanket over my face. I rolled onto my side, my back facing the door and I sighed. 

I wasn't sure how long I had been in this room but Bruce and Tony insisted that I stayed put until they felt I was healed enough. Physically I was healed. Mentally...not so much. In a way, I had blanked out what had happened to me when I was locked up in the first room. No screams left my mouth as they beat me. I was silent and just let them do their thing.

It was the only way to cope. I forgot a lot of what happened because I chose not to remember. There was no point. I was too hurt to want to remember that shit. I was glad I was home and with the people I loved.

But I wasn't happy.

Two certain soldiers hadn't come to see me since they rescued me.

I didn't know why. Nat didn't tell me and Tony kept changing the subject. No one else said anything and I wanted to know why. I missed them. So much. Every night in that room, after the beatings and other unmentionable things, I thought about them. I dreamt about them and how safe I felt with them.

I fucking told them that I loved them on camera. They should have given shown me some respect and come to see me. I felt stupid. I blurted my love out in front of my brother and they didn't want anything to do with me anymore.

They hated me. They fucking hated me.

Tears burnt my eyes and I bit into my bottom lip as I started to cry. I didn't want to bring more attention to myself. As lovely as Bruce was, I didn't want him to ask me how I was and try to get to the bottom of my tears.

"Emily?" Tony said and I quickly wiped my eyes.


"Are you ok?"

"I don't know. You tell me if I'm ok,"

"Can I at least see your face or are you going to be a burrito the whole time I am here?"

I threw the covers back and glared at him, "Can I leave?"

"Emily," He sighed, "You have been beaten to an inch of your life and you want to leave this room?"

"Yes!" I snapped, "I'm fed up with this. I want to go back to my floor and pretend that this didn't happen. I want to go back to my life where no one knew I existed. Is that so hard to understand?"

"What has happened?"

I scoffed and climbed out of bed, ripping the IV out of my arm, wincing slightly, "I don't want to talk to you, Tony. Can I go to my floor or do I have to throw you out of my way?"

"You're clearly angry and I would like to know why," Tony said, "You were fine with me yesterday so what has changed?"

"Nothing," I said, throwing my hands in the air, "Tony, I don't know. I don't know what is wrong. I am so done with everything,"

I burst into tears and Tony hugged me tightly. I gripped onto his shirt and I sobbed into his chest and he sighed.

"Take a deep breath, Emily," Tony said, trying to soothe me, "Just let it out. You obviously need to cry,"

"Why can't I see the people I want to see the most?"

Tony tensed, "And who would that be?"

"Don't be a fucking idiot!" I said pushing him away, "Steve and Bucky! They haven't come to see me and it's obvious that you have said something to them. Why can't they see them? They are my friends and I missed them just as much as everyone else,"

"You needed to rest, Emily. I didn't want people to bombard you,"

"I saw everyone else but them. Hell, even Morgan came to see me. So why have you not let Steve or Bucky see me?"

"This isn't really the time to-"

"Now is a perfect time!"

Tony sighed, "I don't have time for this. I need to find those bastards who hurt you,"

"Your point? You have plenty of time to do that. It's a simple question, Tony. Why have you not let them see me?"

"Because they have feelings for you!" Tony snapped, "I fucking warned everyone that they weren't to fall for you. You were off-limits but they ignored my wishes,"

I scoffed, "So because they have feelings for me I can't remain friends with them? Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"I'm your brother and I care about your wellbeing,"

"Stop trying to control my life," I said, letting my anger take over, "I am a grown fucking adult who is capable of making my own decisions!"

"What has gotten into you?" Tony asked, lifting his hands up, "I'm not here to hurt you, Emily,"

"Bullshit!" I hissed, "Everyone is trying to control me. They want me to do what they want to do and I'm not going to stand for it anymore!"

"F.R.I.D.A.Y call Banner," Tony said and I glared at him, "Emily, I'm here to help,"

"No," I said, "You are here to control me."

Something snapped and I launched myself at him, slamming him against the wall. He didn't have enough time to react before I was throwing him over my shoulder and wrapping my hands around his neck.

"No one is allowed to control me,"

"I-I got it," He gasped out, "I'm n-not trying to c-control you!"

"Lies!" I yelled, "Everyone lies. Everyone has been lying to me since I was born,"

I grunted when something was hit against the back of my head and I released Tony's neck and turned around to see Nat and Bruce standing there.

"Emily," Nat said slowly, "What is going on?"

"People are trying to control me," I said stepping away from them, "I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen. No. No. No one is allowed to control me,"

"Of course," Nat said, "We aren't here to control you. Would you like to walk with me? You seem much better,"

"No. No, I don't want to do anything," I said, as a weird buzzing noise sounded in my ears. I covered them up and shook my head, "I'm going to my room. Get out of my way,"

"That isn't a good thing, Emily," Bruce said and I glared at him, "I still would like to check that you weren't given anything else. To make sure you are ok,"

"No. I don't want any more tests," I said and I pushed past them, heading to the lift. Thankfully the door opened and I stared at the floor as the doors closed again.

I kept my hands over my ears even when I reached my floor.


I froze and looked up, feeling my scowl grow. I grit my teeth and looked between Bucky and Steve. I went to walk by them, but they grabbed my arm. I yanked it back and punched Steve in the chest, sending him across the room. Bucky stared at me with wide eyes and I swung for him.

I'm not sure what happened next.

It was as if everything shut down.


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now