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Emily closed the door behind her and I glanced at Bucky who had his fists clenched, eyes glaring at Harry.

"Are you telling the truth?" I asked.

"Are you serious?" He said, "Why the hell would I lie to you? I've got nothing to fucking lose and Emily needs...I don't know. She needed to hear the truth,"

"If we find out that you have lied to us, then-"

"You will kill me. Yeah. I know," Harry scoffed, "I have no reason to lie. It's not like I give a shit about what happens to Slasher and his goons,"

"Why not?" Bucky asked.

Harry went rigid and paled slightly, "No reason,"

"What have they done to you? Apart from beating you up and leaving scars on you?"

Harry shook his head and closed his eyes, "There are some things in my life that I don't want to talk about. The things they have done to me is one of them,"

I looked up at Bucky who was staring at me with wide eyes. I had hoped he was thinking the same thing as me. They hurt him just as they had hurt Emily. I hesitated and put my hand on Harry's shoulder making him flinch away.

"If you help us and stick to your agreement, I'm sure you can get the revenge you want,"

"I don't want revenge. I want freedom. I want to be free from that shitty fucking life back in London. Emily was right. I had the chance to leave when I told the cops on them but I pretended it wasn't me so I could live," Harry said, "They killed someone else after I told Slasher it was that person. I got off lightly and told them I'd help out. So fucking stupid. I'm so fucking stupid!"

"Someone will come back with food for you," Bucky said, "Then you will be taken to a cell,"

"Will I have a bed and cover?"

"I...well, yeah,"

"Then I don't care where I go," He whispered and leant on the table, burying his face in his arms.

I motioned to the door with my chin and we left Harry, closing the door on his silent cries.

"Holy fucking shit," Bucky breathed out, "They used him just like they used Emily,"

"He's traumatised," I said walking away from the cell, "We need to help him,"

"Don't play the hero with him right now," Bucky scoffed, "He doesn't deserve it. Not until Emily is safe and that little group of punks are taken down,"

"Do you think Emily knows about what happened to him?"

"Who the fuck knows," Bucky said pressing the button to the elevator, "I don't know if I want her to,"

I nodded and folded my arms, "Hard to believe that Emily killed people though."

"Mmm," Bucky agreed and we didn't speak another word until we reached Emily's floor. She was easy to find and she jumped, spitting out her drink when she turned around to see us standing there.

"Jesus. You are too fucking quiet," She said, wiping her chin.


"Language," She mocked me and I felt myself smirk.

I loved her brattiness.

"Tony said we will leave tomorrow at midday," She said getting a cloth to wipe her chest, "Sam has the area being looked at but there have been no signs of them. Someone reckons they are hidden somewhere else and will go back there once it is safer,"

"Most likely," I said, "How are you feeling?"

Emily shrugged, "Honestly, I have no fucking idea. It's a lot to take in. The fact I was strapped to the same machine as Bucky makes me feel sick but what makes it worse is that I killed someone,"

"Don't think too much about it, Doll," Bucky said walking in front of her, "We have all done things we regret,"

"I don't regret it even if I don't remember," She said as Bucky tipped her head up by her chin and I frowned, "It makes me feel great. Great that I managed to stand my ground and make sure they didn't kill those kids,"

"I wish I was as strong as you," Bucky smiled sadly.

"Don't be stupid," Emily punched him in the chest, "Damn. Have you been working out some more?"

I laughed as her hands began to roam Bucky's chest and I stood next to him, "If you get your memories back, we will be here for you. Ok?"

Emily smiled and nodded, a blush to her cheeks, "Anyway, I'm going to get out of this suit. It feels as if it has gone up into my ass and I need a shower,"

"If that was an invitation," I said grabbing one of her braids as she walked away, "Then consider it accepted,"

"It wasn't,"

Bucky's phone started to ring and he groaned, answering it, "What Sam? I'm fucking busy,"

Emily bit into her bottom lip trying not to smile at his frustration.

"Oh for...fine. Fine," Bucky said, "If you are that desperate I will help you but you fucking owe me,"

"Going somewhere?" Emily asked, playing with the zip on his jacket.

"Unfortunately," He muttered, "Sam needs help and I'm the only one who can help him. The man is a fucking idiot,"

"When will you be back?"

Damn. If I was Bucky I would drop Sam because Emily was a god, damn seductress.

I saw Bucky swallow hard, "I don't know. Maybe...tomorrow?"

"And the mission?" Emily walked her fingers up his chest and I felt my dick harden in my pants.

"Shit, don't do that,"

"Do what?" Emily whispered and went on her tiptoes to kiss his neck, "I'm not doing anything,"

"Ah, fuck it," Bucky said and dialled Sam, making Emily smile in victory, "I'm not coming. Get someone else,"

"Princess," I said pulling her into me, "Shower. Now,"

"Yes, Steve,"

"Ah, no," I smirked and gripped her chin, "Captain,"

Her face went a deep shade of red and she nodded, "Yes, Captain,"

I swatted her ass as she rushed off towards her bathroom and I looked at Bucky who was arguing with Sam. I rolled my eyes and I pointed towards Emily's room.

"Hold on asshole," He said to Sam and looked at me, "Go. Go have fun and once I'm dealing with this jerk I'll join you and no! I'm talking to Steve birdman. Oh, was that a threat? We are playing pool you stupid flying man,"

I kicked my shoes off and lost my shirt on the way to the bedroom. Emily was already naked under the water and my dick became painfully hard. I kicked the bathroom door shut and stepped into the shower, wrapping my arms around her waist, kissing her neck.

"I hope you're ready, Princess," I said, biting into her ear lobe, "I'm going to see how much stamina you truly have,"

Emily moaned under my touch, "Have you always been this...controlling?"

"Probably," I chuckled, running my fingers between her legs, "Thanks to you, it's come out to play,"

"Damn me," She laughed and rested her head on my chest, "Damn. Not only did I take your virginity, but I also woke up a monster,"

"And I'll thank you till the day I die," I whispered in her ear and she shivered, "Turn around Princess. Time to make you cum on my tongue,"


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt