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"Tony, have you seen Emily?" Steve asked my brother.

"Why would I know where she is?" Tony muttered, and carried on fiddling with his suit, "I don't track her every move,"

"You do,"

Tony tutted, "Fine. I do. But I don't know where she is. Just get out of my lab. I have things do to,"

"Are you not worried why we can't find her?"

"Nope," Tony said, "If she wants to be found then she will be. But for now just get out,"

Once I heard the door shut I crawled out from under the bench ignoring the looks that Tony was giving me.

"So," He said.

"So nothing!" I exclaimed.

Tony lifted his eyebrows, "Don't take me for a fool. I'm your brother and I know when you're on edge. So, did they do anything to warrant you hiding?"

I rubbed my face, "They...proposed to me,"


"You bastard you knew!" I smacked him in the arm and he laughed, "A little heads up would have been nice!"

"A proposal is supposed to be a surprise," He said.

"Maybe so! But not after they've just fucked you at the same time!"

"Ok. Gross," Tony grimaced, "I seriously did not need to know that,"

"How was I supposed to act?" I said, ignoring him and I began to pace, "They've both just sent me to freaking heaven and then once they have finished their aftercare, they say in their stupidly sexy voices, marry us. Any normal fucking human would freak out!"

"Again, I don't need to know the insights of how the proposed,"

"We've never even spoken about that before. They just threw it on me when I was nice and relaxed and going to sleep!" I grabbed Tony by the tops of his arms, "I've been awake all fucking night trying to avoid the super soldiers and I'm so close to-"

"Emily Stark!" Tony said loudly, "Chill the fuck out! Let me talk instead of you so listen very carefully,"

"Ok," I mumbled with a slight pout.

"Pouting is cute but it won't work," He said hugging me, "Steve and Bucky came to talk to me. They said it was important so I listened and asked my permission to marry you. At first, I laughed in their faces but then I saw how serious they were. As much as I hated you three for going behind my back, I can see how much you love each other," Tony held me at arms distance and smiled at me, "If I didn't trust them around you, then I wouldn't have told them they had my permission. I love you, Emily. So much but it's about time you have a relatively normal life with the idiots you love so much,"

"I know but-"

"No. Don't doubt yourself. You deserve a life filled with love and security. Obviously you get that with me but you need them in your life. I've never seen you so happy before and they are the reason for it," Tony squished my cheeks between his hands, "You've not had the best start in life but you can certainly end it to its fullest,"

Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now