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His eyes had gone darker than I had ever seen them and he moved his fist from the wall, to point at me. I glanced at the blood on his knuckles then back at his face.

"You make me so fucking angry," He said through gritted teeth, "I've told you time and time again that I won't cheat on you again. I work hard so I can afford a nice place for us to move in together and you can't trust me? How fucking stupid are you?"

"How would you feel if I cheated on you?" I said quietly, "Would you trust me?"

Jared scoffed, "Do you honestly think anyone would want you? You're lucky to have me."

"Really?" I said, swallowing hard, "Then you're in for a surprise because there are plenty of men out there who would happily take me and-ahh!"

My head jerked to the side and I grabbed my cheek staring at him with wide eyes. He dropped his hand and looked at me.

"I...I'm so sorry!" He said pulling me into a hug, "I-I didn't mean to. Baby, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit you. You just made me so mad and I snapped. I'm so sorry. Emily, please forgive me,"

My heart was racing in my chest as he held me tightly and I couldn't say anything. Nothing. Nothing at all. I couldn't even cry. What was wrong with me? I should have punched him back but I couldn't.

I was scared of him.

The sound of a motorbike made me come to my senses and I pushed him away, "I have to go. That's my ride," I said quietly.

"Emily, don't go. We can talk about this. I'll call work and-"

"I have to go!" I said, rushing out of the door and down the two flights of stairs. Jared was following me and Bucky smiled at me when I rushed out towards him. But his smile soon dropped when he looked at my face and Jared grabbed hold of me.

"Emily, please. We can talk this out,"

"No. I need to go. I need to work," I said, stepping closer to Bucky who had gotten off the bike.

"Let go of her," Bucky said, putting his hand on Jared's chest. Jared only stood a few inches below Bucky but I knew that it didn't faze him, "Now,"

"Who the fuck are you?" Jared snapped, "I'm trying to talk to my girlfriend,"

"With your fist or mouth?" Bucky said, a slight growl to his voice, "Get your hands off her before you don't have any."

"Jared. Please," I whispered and he scoffed dropping his hand. I automatically stepped into Bucky's chest and turned my back on him, "We...we will talk later,"

"Babe, please. I need to-"

"You don't need to do shit," Bucky said, "Get the fuck away and go back inside. Don't make me tell you again,"

"I'll call you later, babe." Jared said, "I love you. Ok? Just remember that,"

Tears burned in my eyes but I refused to turn to look at him.

"Doll?" Bucky said softly and tipped my face up with his index finger, "You will need some ice on that bruise. Are you ok?"

"Can we go home please?" I said quietly, as tears dropped onto my cheek, "I want to go home,"

Bucky pulled the bike into the garage and I climbed off, walking away from him.

"Doll, wait," He said grabbing my hand but I yanked it back, "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. I just want to talk,"

"Nothing happened," I lied, "He didn't hit me,"

"I don't believe you,"

"Then don't," I wiped my tears away.

"Doll, what are you going to tell everyone? You have a purple bruise on your face. Someone is going to put it together and that asshole is going to die,"

"Stop. Just stop!" I cried. Bucky stepped into me and wrapped me in his arms as I sobbed into his chest, "He didn't mean to do it,"

"I know," He whispered, "It's ok."

"It was my fault. I didn't mean to make him angry,"

"Doll, stop," Bucky said holding my cheeks softly, "It wasn't your fault. No man should ever lay his hands on a woman even if they are angry. That dick will get what is coming to him. Emily, take a deep breath ok? I'll figure something out about the bruise if you don't want to tell anyone."

I nodded, "Thank you."

"Not a problem, Doll,"

"Bucky?" I whispered and looked up at him, "What is wrong with me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I just...I just stood there after he punched me. I did nothing. I should have hit him back but I didn't. I stood there like a weak person and-"

"Stop. You aren't weak. You were scared. There is a difference. Don't blame yourself for not fighting back," He sighed, "I'm just glad I got there in time before something else happened to you,"

I nodded and sniffed, "I don't know what to do next. I don't know if I should hear him out or leave,"

"I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you what you should do," Bucky said, "Dump his ass and find someone better. There are plenty of guys out there who would treat you like a queen. Take me for example, I'd spoil you with kisses, presents and love,"

I found myself smiling, "You truly are a charmer,"

"What can I say?" Bucky grinned, "I was raised in the 40s. I'm a true gentleman...if you can forget about the HYDRA days,"

"That wasn't you," I said tapping his chest and I took a deep breath, "Ok. I'm good. Thanks, Bucky. I owe you one,"

"Well, since you said that, I can think of ways you could owe me," Bucky laughed and I blushed, walking towards the lift, "Are you sure you are ok? I can go back there and kill him,"

"Honestly, he isn't worth your anger," I sighed, "Things will work out. I need to figure out what I can say about the bruise on my face through,"

The bruise was already a horrible purple as I stared at myself in the mirror. The lift moved up slightly and Bucky shrugged.

"Motorbike incident," Bucky said, "You were sitting in front and I broke too hard."

"That...that might work. Good thinking, Bucky,"


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now