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"Loverboys are coming over," Nat said hiding her smile

I rolled my eyes, "They aren't my lover boys,"

"We will see about that," Wanda giggled and sipped her drink through a straw.

"Hello, handsome boys," Nat smirked, "Your girlfriend here is in need of drinks. But I'm bored of making them so I'm going to bother Tony,"

"Nat!" I said as she giggled and walked away.

"Girlfriend?" Bucky frowned.

"Um, yeah," Steve said rubbing the back of his neck, "It was all a misunderstanding,"

Bucky scoffed, "I'm surprised Tony didn't kill you,"

"It isn't true so obviously he wouldn't," I said, downing the rest of my drink.

"Oh! Clint is here now. I have to say hello!" Wanda said and she rushed off leaving me with the super soldiers.

Bucky on one side. Steve on the other.

"So," I said, "Why did you stop playing pool?"

"I've decided to use a truth or dare card," Bucky smirked and leaned over the bar to grab another beer. Steve grabbed one and then waved another in my face. I accepted it and used my teeth to pop the cap off, "Ok. That kinda weirded me out,"

I laughed and looked at him, "You have seen war and the time when you were the solider, yet me opening the bottle with my teeth freaked you out?"

"Doll, that is horrible. Use a bottle opener,"

"Nah," I said, gulping some beer down, "Where is the fun in that?"

"What happens if your teeth fall out?" Steve asked.

I rolled my eyes and turned my back to the bar to watch the people wandering around enjoying that party, "It's been a party trick of mine since I turned 11. However, I won't be telling you why because that is a story for another time. Who is Sam talking to?"

The boys looked up and sighed.

"Sharon Carter,"

"That is Sharon?" I asked, "Huh. I didn't picture her looking like that. She's pretty. Steve, and you didn't jump into bed with her?"

Steve sighed and shook his head, "No more talking about that. I wasn't comfortable know. Jumping into bed with her,"

"Incoming," Bucky said, turning back to the bar, "Bear witness to pure awkwardness,"

"Stevie!" Sharon beamed and wrapped her arms around Steve's neck, pressing a wet kiss to his cheek, "I've been waiting for you. Where were you?"

I spun around on my stool and elbowed Bucky, "Shouldn't you rescue him?"

"He's a big boy. He can handle her,"

"I'm not so sure," I said quietly.

Sharon had her fingers linked behind his neck, swaying side to side trying to get him to talk to her but his lips were pressed tightly together. His hands were gripping the bar top so tightly his knuckles had gone white. I almost felt sorry for the man. Bucky was right. It was awkward to see.

"Emily," Bucky said turning to face me, "Truth or dare,"

"Hmm," I said, biting my lower lip and I smiled, "Dare,"

Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें