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It was 3 in the morning and I was still wide awake, staring at the ceiling. I was tired but had no chance of falling asleep. I rubbed my face and climbed out of bed shivering at the chill on my legs. I pulled on a loose top that I had stolen from Steve and wandered into my kitchen in search of something to help me sleep.


Everything was full of caffeine.

I knew there was decent food on the main floor, so I hopped into the lift and went down to be met with silence. I shuffled across the floor and opened the cupboard. There was a box of Horlicks so I quickly made myself a drink.

I leant back on the counter and held the mug close to my chest, breathing in the delicious fumes of my drink. That was when I heard it.

A scream.

I turned around and waited for someone to jump out on me but no one did. I frowned and sipped my drink hearing the scream again. I walked to the stairs and followed the scream like some idiot out of a horror movie. As I reached the floor, Steve was walking out of the bathroom with a wet cloth.

"Emily?" He said, looking surprised, "Why are you here?"

"I was stealing Horlicks and heard a scream. Is everything ok?"

"Yes. Well, it will be. You should get back to bed,"

"I can't sleep. Did you need any help?"

Steve glanced down the dark hallway, "I'm not sure you could help but come on."

I grabbed the back of his shirt and followed him down the hall. Steve glanced at me before pushing open a door to reveal Bucky whimpering and screaming in his sleep. My eyes went wide and I held onto Steve tighter.

"Does this happen often?" I whispered.

"Yes. Despite being helped in Wakanda, he still has nightmares. Not all the time. But only when something has happened and it affects him," Steve said, "Stay here. He might lash out and hit you,"

I nodded and watched as Steve sat on the bed, grabbing Bucky as he threw his arms about.

"Buck? It's me. Steve," He said, "You're ok. I've got you."

Bucky whimpered and I felt my heart break as tears ran down the side of his face.

"Can I do anything?" I asked and Steve looked at me, "I feel like I should do something. Help in any way,"

"Ok," Steve smiled softly, "Can you get him a fresh top? He is soaked in sweat and when he wakes up, he will need to change,"

I put my mug down and opened the walk-in wardrobe and pulled a black T-shirt out. Not that there were any other colours. His choice of colours felt like my soul. I shook off those thoughts and went back to Steve.

"Thank you, Emily," Steve said and place the top on the bedside table, "I don't know what set this off. He has been doing so well. I don't want to ask though. He might shut himself away again and I'd hate that,"

I bit into my lip thinking it was my fault and I put my arms around Steve, "It doesn't matter what set it off. He has you as a friend. That will help him,"

Steve put his hands on my arms and nodded, "You're right. He's better than he used to be. It was bad when he first came to live here. Sorry that this woke you up,"

"It didn't wake me up. I've been awake all night,"

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you have any feelings for Bucky?"

My heart skipped a beat, "What do you mean? I think he is a nice person if that is what you are asking,"

"No, I mean feelings. As in more than friendly feelings,"



I hesitated, "Who knows."

Steve nodded, "Good. It might be good for him. He likes you so maybe you can help him out some more,"

I rolled my eyes, "Right. So when are you going to get yourself a girl?"

"What? I'm not,"

"Sure, sure," I grinned and squeezed him tighter, "He's stopped crying now."

"Good," Steve stood up with me still hanging on him, "Is that my top?"

"Maybe?" I grinned.

"Honestly, why can't you wear your own clothes?"

"Because I wear this to bed. I might steal Bucky's as well."

"He would like that," Steve said under his breath thinking that I didn't hear and we both jumped when Bucky sat up gasping for air, "Buck?"

He snapped his head towards us with wide eyes and then realised who we were and I saw his shoulders relax.

"What are you doing?" He asked, quietly. God damn his morning voice was enough to get me naked.

"Hanging from Steve's neck,"


"He stood up," I said dropping to the floor, "Are...are you ok?"

Bucky rubbed his face, "I'm sorry. I woke you,"

"Nah," I said, rocking back on my feet, "I've been awake all night. I came to steal some Horlicks. It helps me sleep...sometimes,"

"Steve?" Bucky said, "Did I hurt you?"

"No," Steve said putting his hand on Bucky's shoulder, "You didn't. Did you want to talk about it?"

Bucky shook his head, "Not right now."

"Well, then get some rest," Steve said, "I'm only next door if you need me. Alright? Emily, go back to bed,"

"Oh, right, yes," I said reaching for my drink and I looked at Bucky, "Here. Drink up."

"It's yours," Bucky said.

"I can make another one," I smiled, "It will get you back to sleep and you probably need it more than me,"

Bucky reached out and took the mug from me, "Thank you,"

"No worries, Sargeant," I said saluting him and he smiled softly at me.

"I'll leave you two it," Steve said trying to hide a smile, "Oh and Emily? Next time you walk around at night, please put some shorts or trousers on. Tony would kill you. Not to mention everyone that saw you like that,"

I blushed and pulled the top down lower, "Sorry. I didn't think anyone would be awake,"

Steve hugged me and wished me good night before leaving the room.

"Well, I should head off,"

"Stay," Bucky said, "Please. I could use some company right now."

"Are you sure?"

Bucky nodded, "And don't listen to Steve. I think you look hot as fuck in what you are wearing. I kinda want to lift your top to see what underwear you have on,"

I felt my whole body burn and I punched him in the shoulder, "Pervert,"

"Only for you," He whispered and his eyes sparkled, "Can you...lay next to me? I need someone next to me. Only if you feel comfortable with it,"

I couldn't say no to that face.

"Alright," I said climbing into bed next to him, "Just no funny business or I will-"

"Rip my metal arm off. Yes. I believe you. I just need comfort." He said, "Thank you for the drink,"


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum