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Emily's bedroom felt cold without her. It had been a few weeks since Emily had gone missing and no matter how hard Tony and the team looked for her, it was as if she had vanished from the face of the Earth.

I hadn't bothered to sit with anyone when it came to meals. I needed to be alone. I didn't realise how hard it would be to lose her. No one knew what happened to make her suddenly change into that fighting machine. But the fact that she could fight off two super soldiers was slightly scary.

Ok. Maybe more than slightly. It scared the shit out of me. I couldn't fight back properly, ok. I didn't want to hurt her and neither did Steve. Before, I didn't give a shit if I went all out fighting a woman. I hurt Nat before and shot her.

Then again I didn't love Nat.

I sighed and rolled onto my front, burying my face into Emily's pillow.

I missed her smell. I missed her smile and her stupid attempts of trying to sneak up on me. I had never felt so alone before and knowing that she was out there alone and probably with Hydra, fucking hurt me.


"What?" I mumbled into the pillow.

"Tony has called a meeting. You need to be there,"

"Have they found our girl?"

"Not exactly but it is about her," Steve said, "Come on, Buck. You haven't left this room in days. You need to get up and function. Emily needs you. I need you,"

I pushed myself out of bed and nodded, "You're right. I just...I really fucking miss her. I feel like I'm to blame for this. I didn't try hard enough to stop her,"

"We all feel some blame. But you can't take it all,"

"I should have protected her. We both should have done something!"

Steve walked over to me as I buried my face into my hands trying not to cry. He put his arm around me and squeezed.

"James," Steve said quietly, "We will get our girl back. We got her back once and we can do it again,"

Tony was pacing back and forth in the conference room and he ran his hands through his hair.

"We have some intel on where Emily could be. I've made sure that there is some truth behind it and it doesn't seem to be a false lead," Nat said, "We spoke to Hamster and he-"

"Harry. Please don't call me that. I don't want to be associated with that anymore," Harry said, "I'm sorry for what happened to Emily,"

"Talk," I glared at him, "Don't leave anything out,"

"I think she was taken to London," Harry said, "I remember Slasher talking about something big happening. I know the location of the hideout but not exactly,"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Tony asked.

"I know the town but not where it is. They didn't tell me where the hideout was but I know people who don't want to be in the group anymore," Harry looked at everyone before carrying on, "If they have her in that base then you need to move quickly. I can find out more but we need to be in London,"

"What do you think Tony?" I asked.

Tony rubbed his face, "I say we pack our shit and head out in an hour. Harry, if you are lying and making us fall into another trap, you will never see daylight again,"

"Hydra is full of traps," I said and I grabbed Harry by his shirt, lifting him from his seat, "If you are backstabbing us I will stab you in the back. Over and over again. Understand?"

"Completely," Harry whispered, his eyes wide and face pale.

"Good," I shoved him back into his seat, "I'm going to pack my shit. Um...what's the weather like in London right now?"

"Probably cold and chances of rain," Harry said, "It is October so, yeah. Cold,"

"I don't feel the cold," I muttered and walked out of the room.

It didn't take me long to pack and I dressed in my usual. Black on black. My hair had grown a bit so I pulled it back into a small ponytail to get it out of my face.

I stared at the photo I had of Emily on my bedside table and picked it up. She had found her Tony's polaroid camera and decided it would be fun to have a picture with me and Steve. Steve had a big smile along with Emily but I had a small one. She then complained that I needed to smile more for photos.

I swallowed hard and slid the photo into my jacket pocket.

"Bucky?" Nat said coming into my room.


"I'm worried," She said, "Don't look at me like that. I do have feelings and I love Emily. I need you to knock her out if you can. If it hurts her, she will heal but she needs to come home. Hydra is probably torturing her right now and wiping al her memories. I dread to think what those bastards are doing to her,"

"They will pay," I said sliding my favourite knife into my thigh holster, "They will get what is coming to them,"

"I was speaking with Tony about your relationship with her, and obviously Steve. It's safe to say that he isn't happy,"

"Then he will have to deal with it," I tutted, "She is the only girl that I have loved like this and I'm not going to give her up just because her brother doesn't approve of it,"

"One person he could deal with," Nat said, "But you both fucked her. I don't want to be around for when that shit hits the fan or when he finds out that it is more than friends,"

"Then don't," I said, harsher than I had hoped, "Our relationship is no one's business. It isn't what I want to talk about right now. Emily needs to come home and she needs to heal. Stop trying to poke your nose into what doesn't concern you,"

"I'm only looking out for you and Emily,"

"Then stop butting in,"

"Fine. I'm only warning you that it will come out and I know for a fact that Tony will send Emily away. It is safer to keep her away from us...from you and Steve," Nat barged past me and I snatched my bag from my bed, following after her.


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now