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There's something that's been bothering me for a little while now. And it's to the point where I think that other people may think it as well.

"Why did the furries stop fighting with humans as soon as they realized they were children?"

Well, to answer that, let me tell you a little secret within The Ark.

When it was decided to bring the Furries into Society, they needed to know right from wrong. So, they started by harming childeren. Why? Well, what is one thing you never do to a child?

You're first thought is most likely not to harm them. If it was something else, please reconsider your life choices.

The Furries were tought never harm a child. Human or Furry. While this took some time to learn, they got the meassage. Over the years, they passed it down so much, it became more of instincts rather than a rule.

So many soldiers felt ashamed and some even killed themselves when they found out they've been shooting at childeren for 20 years. While others had no remorse, it was likely due to racial tenstion before it was reveal to the world during the war.

Many childeren suffer from PTSD as a result, causing many to be put in mental hospitals. Other older Human soldiers fell into crimnal life. An increse in Human gangs had been noticed, biker gangs being most popular choice of gang theme.

That is all. Til next time, i am Warboy_Gameing15, have a lovly day.

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