Chapter Forty-Three: His Confession

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"Keep it down Malia."


"Why so loud Malia?"

"Oh my gosh, you whore. You've kept this from me, I hate you." She said playfully.

"You know how much I love being in people's business, how could you?" She said before gasping again.


"I think he heard it all the way from his office with how LOUD YOU'RE BEING!"

"Well at least you told me before him." She said proudly.

"I think if I tell him, there wouldn't be a wedding dress hunt. Atticus and I decided to let it stay in Vegas and it did."

"But it's in England now cause you just told me."

"And my therapist."


"She's my therapist."

"And I'm your second hand therapist."

"There's no such thing as a second hand therapist."

"There's second hand smoking and it's just as deadly as first hand, so.." she said trailing off making me smile.

"How are you though? Was the sex good? Did you miss it?"

"Of course it was good Malia, this is Atticus we're talking about, but we can't speak about my tiny sex moment with him on my wedding dress hunt day." I said to her and she held my face in place.

"You are such a blonde." She said sweetly. "Let's go get your dress." She said and I grinned widely at her before we got up to leave the house.


"Is Atticus coming to the wedding?" Malia asked me as I searched the racks.

"He said he'd be there, I know he wouldn't miss it, he knows how much it'll mean to me." I said confidently.

"This is pretty." She said and I turned to see her showing me a dress with a cape.

"It is."

"Come on, go try it on."

"Thats not the one though." I whined as she pushed the dress onto me and pushed me into the room.

"You wouldn't know the one until you've tried at least ten." She said and I heaved a sigh before putting it on.

"Another thing I forgot to tell you is that Nathan and I got in this huge fight, I told him about my daughter and my plans for her and he didn't approve."

"You know, I know he's your future husband and all but he can be a real pain in the ass!" I heard her say before I pulled the curtains revealing the dress.

"Told you, not the one." I said taking another one and trying it on.

"Maybe, he'll come to terms with it, I know he will, he's a good guy you know but it's just."- I paused coming out to show her the dress and she scrunched up her face and I threw my head back already tired.

It was a lot of material.

"Maybe he thinks the dad will show up and take his spotlight but God heavens that's not going to happen." I said before hearing her gasp.

"This is the one, try it on." She said handing it to me and it did look like the one just hoped it looked amazing on me.

"He's going to pull through because we have vows to make and I'm sure the vows and me in this dress will definitely change his mind." I said fixing the dress on my body and instantly falling in love with it.

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