|| Chapter 9 ||

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A few of Philip's teachers weren't there since they were probably off doing errands or maybe they were absent.

But Philip quickly finished his activities. Second to the last period. It was Math,and Philip was zooming along with his pen.(Russia's pen,which he never returned)

And he finished quickly. He was the first to pass his paper,which amazed his classmates.

But Philip was just excited to play and take care of his dragon after his tutoring session. Once he placed his paper on his teacher's desk,he walked out and headed to the classroom next-door.

The last subject for the day was Science,which was held in Russia's classroom. Unfortunately,Philip was TOO fast and finished his Math activity TOO early.

"Yes?Do you need something?"the female teacher asked,looking up from her desk.

"Oh...I'm sorry,are you still having your class?"Philip said,glancing around the classroom.

His eyes fell on Russia,who smiled at him. A wave of embarrassment washed over Philip and his face flushed red. Though,the Filipino tried to hide it by keeping a straight face.

"Ohhh...Are you done with your activity already?"the teacher caught up."Are you here to get your activity for Science?"

Philip only nodded.

"Well,I can get it for you. But your classmates may try to peek at your paper,so why don't you answer it right here?"the teacher beamed.

"Okay."Philip mumbled.

The teacher placed a chair next to her desk,which Philip sat on. He didn't dare look at the people in the class.

The Science teacher placed an activity paper on her desk next to Philip. The Filipino took out his pen and started to answer. And he did it in a rush. The sooner he gets this done,the better.

Since the teacher left to bring some activity papers to another class,Russia took his stuff and brought it to the table nearest to Philip.

"Isn't that my pen?"he asked quietly.

"...Do you want it back?"Philip whispered,a worried expression displayed on his face.

"No,no,you need it. I doubt you have another pen."Russia told.

"Oh...Thanks."the Filipino murmured.

Philip turned to his paper. Luckily,he was able to get his activity done since it was easy. He let out a sigh of relief as he placed his(Russia's) pen down.

"You're quick,aren't you?"Russia giggled silently.

"I just want to get along with the tutoring session."Philip shrugged.

"To play Land of Dragonx?"Russia guessed.

"To play Land of Dragonx."Philip confirmed.

"Well,we won't be dismissed until teacher says so."Russia grinned.

"Whaaaaaaaaaat?"Philip whined in a whisper.

Russia chuckled at the Filipino's reaction. But he wasn't kidding. The class can't end unless the teacher dismisses it.

Philip slumped on his chair with a pout on his face. The Russian had a lopsided smile,and a faint blush appeared on his face. He turned away.

"...He's adorable."Russia thought,snickering.

But everyone's attention turned towards the windows that showed the hallway outside. The Science teacher was talking to the Math teacher,AKA Philip's teacher.

~♡° || Love is BeautifulOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz