"Better keep our distances, your hating aura makes me sick." Geno continued sarcastically but shaking and thinking what would have happen if that invisible wall wasn't blocking the mermaid's way. Morganna looked at him with the hatred dripping from her eyes.

"I see. Your tongue has gotten even bolder. But your body betrays your fear!" She suddenly smiled. "What do you fear more son of CQ?"

"Can ya call me Geno, it's way faster and besides I don't mind calling you by your name." Geno cutted her annoyed with crossed arms.

"Do you fear death, or perhaps you fear the betrayal?" Morganna asked as if she didn't even hear him talking, smiling.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Geno asked annoyed again but also starting getting confused. Morganna chuckled quietly.

"Tell me Geno. Don't you find it odd you're out of the ship? That no force of the necklace is stopping you if you try get away from it?" She asked with an enigmatic look. Though annoying, Geno found her questions reasonable. Twice he managed to get away from the ship, first time on the pirate island, second time right now. In Lisbon.

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