Luna looks over at Steve, "You're the manager, what do you say?"

"Uh, yeah." He nods, "Okay. Let's go."

"Awesome." Luna stands up from the booth and picks up her trash, "Let's go, boys."

Luna makes her way to the back of the parlor with Dustin and Steve following behind her, she throws away her Burger King trash and pulls out a chair for Dustin to sit in at the table. He pulls out a tape recorder from his backpack and she and Steve get comfortable as he starts it.

"So this is what I heard them say." Dustin says as the recording starts.

Minutes later she and Steve are pacing the back room as Dustin sits at the table replaying the recording. Steve is eating a banana and Luna has been snacking on a cherry or two as she listens intently. So far she obviously doesn't know what's being said but she does someone feel like the sound in the background is familiar.

Almost like she's heard it before.

"Steve!" She hears Robin yell from the front counter, but the two of them are too in the zone to really do anything. Plus, Luna knows Robin can handle whatever is going on.

Luna sighed as Dustin paused the recording, "So what do you guys think?"

"It sounded familiar." Steve replied.

"What?" Dustin questioned.

"The music." Steve replied before stuffing his cheeks with banana.

Luna nods in agreement, "The music at the end, it's... weirdly familiar."

"Why are you guys listening to the music?" Dustin asked with impatience in his tone, "Listen to the Russians. We're translating Russians!"

Luna groans in frustration, "Dustin, we're trying to listen to the Russian but there's music—"

"All right," Robin barged in the room cutting Luna off, "Babysitting time is over." Guess she couldn't handle it after all, oops. "One of you need to get in there." She says with an ice cream scooper in her hand, she walks over at her board which Dustin had erased to fill with the Russian alphabet. "Hey, my board. That was important data, shitbirds."

"I guarantee you, what we're doing is way more important than your data." Dustin said.

"Yeah?" Robin says, "And how do you know these Russians are up to no good anyways?"

Luna facepalmed, shit.

"How does she know about the Russians?" Dustin asked she and Steve.

"I don't know." Steve replied, mouth still full of banana, Luna crinkles her nose to him talking with his mouth full.


"Did you tell her?" Dustin questioned the taller boy.

"No, I didn't—"

Luna sighed heavily cutting Steve off, "It could be the fact that you practically shouted and everyone heard you at the table. Just throwing that out there."

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