Chapter Forty-One: Birthday Bash

Start from the beginning

"Atticus invited us to celebrate my birthday with him." I said and he nodded.

"He's really trying to spend his last days with you memorably, I'll let him though." He said turning to walk away.

"Nathan." I said warningly knowing he was about to start shit.

"No I'm okay, this is me being your mature husband for you baby." He said with his hands out wide.

"I mean his last time since I'm going to have you all to myself." He said smiling before coming over to kiss me.

"Yea you are." I said smiling into the kiss.


I heard the alarm go off to wake up to loud blowing noises as well. I jumped up to see Malia and Nathan at the edge of my bed with party hats and a cake.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!" They both said and Nathan looked at Malia as if she were mad.

"Thank you so much guys." I said holding my chest from all the anxiety they brought upon me.

"But I'd like to start the morning off with brushing my teeth." I said crawling out of bed.

They plunged at me throwing me back on the bed, with tight hugs. I kept my face away from them because I really wanted to brush my mouth.

"Get off of me!" I screamed and they did. "Have you no shame?"I asked walking over to the bathroom slowly. I closed the door and locked it and I heard them babble about how I'm ungrateful and I simply rolled my eyes at that.

My phone pinged and Atticus's name came up, I opened the message and saw a voice note.

"Happy Birthday Louisa!!! I hope you have a pretty good birthday like I did! I love you and I miss you! Byeeee!!!" Alister's little voice was heard through the voice note making me smile.

"Thank you baby, I love you too." I said returning the voice note. I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair in a high one before coming out.
Malia and Nathan were still in my room with the cake.

"THANK YOU GUYS!" I screamed running over to hug them now that my mouth is fresh.

"This is the Louisa we know and love." Nathan said and I laughed.

"Malia take it from here, I have this quick work thing to do and then I'll be right back, I promise."
He said getting up and kissing me before leaving.

The moment he left Malia turned with a wide grin.

"So-where's Atticus taking us?" She asked leaning on one hand.

"I don't know probably some club." I said with lifted shoulders.

"Nathan is good with it surprisingly I said taking a fork and sticking it in the cake before having my hand swat away.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed with some cake in my mouth.

"That's not how you eat cake!"

"It's how I eat my cake!" I said snatching it from her and she rolled her eyes.

"It's so good! Thanks Mali!" I said feeling like I had a mini orgasm while eating the cake.

"You love me yeah,yeah,yeah!" She said getting up.

Get your clothes ready for tonight, it just might be amazing.


I spent the rest of my morning collecting greetings from my family and my family's friends.
The second I put my phone down it rang again.

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