Chapter Thirty-Nine: Almost is Never Enough

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"Well let's just say it got you some place dark one time and you're heading back there." I said biting my tongue, regretting saying that to her.
She sat there with her lips pressed together and a hurt look washed over her face.


"What is that you came here to tell me or was it just to remind me of my past?" She said calmly and I threw my head back with my hands in my face.

"I'm sorry, that was wrong of me."

"It's okay, I guess every friend has a small fight, let this be our first and last because I don't like fighting with you Atticus." She said looking away.

"I don't like fighting either."

"Do you know something about Nathan that I don't and if you did you'd tell me right?" She said looking into my eyes hoping it was good news. I couldn't hurt her, she didn't deserve to be hurt and I can't tell her what I know or what that dick did.

"Um-he's just a really good guy Louisa and I'm glad you're happy. I don't know anything about him, we don't even talk." I felt awful lying to her but her relieved face made me thankful that I chose to go down that path.

"I'm going back home to him right now and thank you Atticus for being mature, I know you hated him." She said but I still hate him,present tense.

"But I'm glad you pushed pass that." She said getting up from the table and kissing my cheek.

"Bye Alister." She said kissing Alister up before leaving. I waited until she drove off to realize that I'm not where I'm supposed to be. I'm not with who I'm supposed to be with.

"Let's go buddy." I told Alister watching him eat something else. I drove home and Rose was in the pool while Ciara was sitting on the iPad.

"Alister please go upstairs."

"Okay daddy." He said walking upstairs and leaving his lollipop with me. I walked over to Ciara and she looked up at me.

"Hi?Am I in trouble?" She asked innocently and I smiled sweetly at her.

"No baby girl, daddy just wants to know how's your day?" I said. "Here's a lollipop." I said handing it to her.

"Is it cherry?"she asked and I nodded.

"Your favourite."I whispered to her and she smiled mischievously and I smirked menacingly because I heard Rose say she couldn't use sweets.

"Can you use sweets?"

"Yes I can." She said obviously lying.

"Okay here you go."

"Okay." She said excitedly collecting the lollipop and sucking it.

"What's going on guys?" Rose said two minutes after Ciara put the lollipop in her mouth and I took it from her mouth and hid it.

"Nothing mommy!" Ciara said.

"I told you no sweets." She said to Ciara.

"Mommy told you no sweets and you still took it from me? Ciara lying is not good."

"I'm going to throw this away for the lies." I told her and turned to go into the kitchen.

I took out a ziplock bag and placed the lollipop inside before placing it safely in my pocket.

"I don't know why she's lying so much." Rose said. She got that shit from her crook mother alright.

"It's okay don't beat her up about it." I said kissing her forehead and walking out of the kitchen.

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