Chapter Thirty-Eight: Hi Miss Lola

Start from the beginning


~Atticus POV~
I couldn't stop thinking about the sex Louisa and I had in Vegas. The hair pulling, back scratches, the sensual dick riding with eye contact. Oh I enjoyed every bit of it. I fucked her like it was my last night alive and it was ecstatic; the way she went down on me, the way her body moved when I went down on her.

She was simply amazing and Nathan didn't deserve her one bit. I wanted her-I needed her in my life, she completed my story. When we got on the plane, she barely give me any eye contact.
Did she regret what we did? Of course not, she looked like she craved me as much as I craved her.

Nathan kept kissing her on the flight and I held onto everything that told me to break his fucking neck.

We landed in England and went our separate ways, I was saddened by the fact that I was going home with another woman rather than with Louisa.

"I enjoyed the trip Atticus." Rose said cheerfully snapping me out of my beautiful fantasy about Louisa.

"Yes-of course." I said while driving to my mother's house to get Alister-and Ciara. I still couldn't shake the fact that she forgot I was her dad for a second.

"Daddy!" Alister said running to the car as I drove into the yard. I jumped out of the car and hugged Alister, Ciara just stood and watched me, this child is so weird!

"How was the weekend kids?" I asked.

"It was amazing, right Alister?" Ciara said turning to give Alister a wide smile and Alister nodded agreeing. I knew he was lying because Alister is very chatty, no one can shut him up.

"Come here Princess." Rose said hugging Ciara.

"Thank you mom."

"You're welcome son-I'm glad you came to your senses and stopped fucking the nanny. God sent you back to your wife." She said with her hands in the air praising God.

"She's not my wife and mom what's the first book in the Bible?" I asked her, because she and God were not friends!

"What do you mean she's not your wife, you have to renew your vows."

"Vows mean something and when they're made the first time, it's supposed to last eternity not for a short period."

"You ignored the fucking the nanny part."

"Thank you for keeping the kids mom." I said turning to take Alister to the car. We got in and I backed out of the yard.

"I'm glad you kids had fun." Rose said and I looked up in the mirror and Alister touched his nose twice before squeezing it, that was an indication that he didn't have fun.

When we arrived home Ciara ran out of the car and Rose followed.

"You boys coming?"

"In a minute." I said before locking the doors.

"What happened?"

"She told me that she didn't like me and that I was too weird to even be her brother." He said sadly.

"Buddy, hey, look at me." I said holding my son's chin up. "You're not weird and I like you because you're fun." I said pushing his head.

"She also said thank God I'm not her real brother and I didn't understand that." Alister said and my blood began to boil.

"Don't tell mommy anything." He said almost scared.

"I wouldn't." I told him ruffling his hair. Rose came back to stand at the door waving at the heavily tinted vehicle. Rose. Rose. Rose!

As I was about to go into the house, I heard a car pull into the driveway, the tires kissed the ground so harshly. Rose and Alister went inside and I turned to see Nathan aggressively shutting his car door.

"Why are you here?" I said looking at his suit, looked nothing like real leather.

"I just came to have a chat with you Atticus-you know man to man." He said pointing between himself and I.

"Speak." I said standing with my hands in my pocket.

"I get it, you were in Louisa's life, you helped her with her abusive ex, you're some big fucking hero." He said in disgust.

"Yes, I'm aware."

"But she's with me now, I'm her big hero, I took her from you." He bragged pointing at himself as if he's the alpha and I laughed.

"You can never take a woman from me Nathan."

"You have your family, what do you want with my girlfriend, we're in love Atticus, she told me she loves me, has she ever said that to you?" He said and I clenched my jaw, because she didn't.

"That's what I thought, I'm not as calm as I seem Atticus, I will hurt you."

"What are you going to do? Fuck Rose, go right ahead, you're probably the only man who didn't."

"And I'm the only man who gets to fuck Louisa." He said and I bit my tongue to prevent myself from getting Louisa mad. It's clear she hasn't spoken to him about our sex in Vegas.

"I know how much you care about your business." He said.

"You're right but no job can keep me away from Louisa like it keeps you."

"I'm trying to make a living."

"Does Louisa know that the living is made off of gambling?" I said exposing him, yes of course I did my digging and found out that he's out in different clubs gambling his life away and juggling his job, he didn't get a promotion. He stepped back.

"Louisa doesn't know that the diamonds she wear  is from gambling. You see Nathan, I know things about you and I keep my mouth shut because for some dumb reason Louisa cares about you but don't for a second think I wouldn't expose you to get my woman back." I said sternly.

"Your woman is inside with your kids." He said through gritted teeth.

"Alister's a fragile child." He said and I took my hands out of my pockets and walked close to him. Not my son.

"Atticus?" Rose called out to me from the door.

"We're cool?" Nathan asked and I just wanted to end this man's life.

"Thread lightly." He said walking away and back into his car before slamming the door and driving out.

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