Chapter 38: Getting On The Plane

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Me and Addison got into the plane and took our seats. We were next to each other luckily - Number 34 and 35.

"Woah so this is what flying first class feels like," My best friend exclaimed leaning back in her chair.

In front of me was a television screen with white earphones. To my left was a cup holder to put my drinks in and a grey tray to put food on. There was a small light you could change the colours on and a curtain you could pull if you wanted any privacy.

"I'm so glad I got the seat next to the window," My eyes traveled over to it. We hadn't left yet so it was just a load of people in yellow jackets walking around - I'm guessing the staff.

The pilot announced we were going to take off. Me and Addi held hands as the plane took off into the sky.

My ears popped as the engine vibrated against my seat. Slowly, I looked out of the window and saw the beautiful blue sky with a few clouds dotted around.

"This is amazing," I murmured not taking my eyes off the view.

Soon, I ended up watching a movie until half way.

A flight attendance came up to me and passed over a menu, "Here is your menu, pick what you would like to eat and I will come back to get your order,"

"Great thanks!" The menu was a brown with a hint of dark bergundy.

Around the edges was a golden pattern.

I decided to have pancakes and fruit for breakfast/lunch.

Addison had some kind of sandwich. She was messing around with the light changing it to all different kinds of colours. Finally, she stuck with a baby blue.

The food came and I waffled it down while finishing my movie. Surprisingly, the headphones were so comfortable I didn't want to take them off.

"Aria what time is it?" Addison asked now messing with my light.

"Uhh," Quickly, I looked at my phone, "3:21,"

"Not long left until I get to see my boyfriend!" She exclaimed nearly jumping out of her seat.

"I'm so excited," I hadn't seen Dylan in ages now.

After around half an hour, Addi spoke up, "Hey, I wonder what this button does?"

As soon as she clicked it her chair went flying back.  I burst out laughing as the guy behind her sat with her basically in his lap.

Her cheeks went red out of embarresment, "I- um sorry," She pressed the button again and landed straight up.

My eyes were watering from laughing so hard, "I wish I got that on video,"

"Stop it," She chuckled shutting her curtain so no one could see her.

I peaked my head through and whispered "You nearly gave him a heart attack,"

Her arm hit mine as I laughed more.

Dylan messaged me and wanted to call but I said I was out shopping with Addison. Luckily, he didn't think anything of it.

Some child infront of me wouldn't stop crying because his earphones broke and it was giving me a headache.

"Ma'am your kid can have my earphones if he wants," I smiled tapping the womans shoulder next to the boy .

"Are you sure?" She asked trying to sooth him.

"Of cou-," I went to say but got interrupted.

This man shouted from a couple of seats down, "Will you shut that kid up,"

"How about you be quiet and mind your own business! Or just put you headphones in and stop being rude," I called back. He huffed and went back to reading his news paper.

That will do it.

"Thankyou so much.. Wait I recognise you," The lady exclaimed, "Your dating Dylan O'Brien aren't you?"

"Yeah, I'm going to surprise him but don't tell anyone yet," I answered and signed some things for them.

A few hours later, we had nearly landed. The sky was dark and everyone's lamps lit up the room.

The pilot announced we were landing. Finally, my legs had gone dead for sitting down for so long.

Me and Addison got our luggage and carried it off the airplane.

It was freezing outside and raindrops began falling on me. We ran and got a Cab to drive us to a hotel.

We decided to stay over night and go see our boyfriend's tomorrow when we don't look exhausted or only have joggers on.


Are Dylan and Ty going to be excited to see Aria and Addison?

Find out in the next chapter :)

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