Chapter 36: I Had No One

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My hands were shaking and legs felt weak. Quickly, I put my hand in my pocket and got my phone out.

My thumbs typed 999/911 into it and it began dialling.

A woman answered it, "Hello this is the police how can I help you?"

"I- I have been ra- attacked," I couldn't say the word, not yet.

"Okay, does the attacker have a weapon on them?" She asked probably writing all the information I told her down.

"I don't know, he is my ex," My heart raced like I ran 12 miles.

"Right... Ma'am what's your address?"

I told her with my voice breaking every five seconds. She said the PD would be around in about two minutes.

Addison was wrestling him down and swearing at him in Spanish.

Just as the woman said, the police knocked on my door. I ran and opened it. Three offices came in and immediately hand cuffed Noah.

I sighed in relief and one of them came up to me and Addi, "Hello I'm Sam. How did this all happen?"

We explained from when Dylan left to Addison coming and saving me- leaving out no details.

That was another thing, how was I meant to tell Dyl. I would have to tell him in person, this wasn't something I wanted to say over the phone. He would most likely be on the next flight out to here.

My ex, shouted threats at me from the kitchen and I tried my hardest to block it out.

"Thankyou for your cooperation," He gave me some people I could call if I needed help.

The police took him away and I watched them drive off into the distance with the sirens going off.

"Ari are you okay? Did he hurt you?" She asked rushing to my side.

"I- I don't -," I stuttered pointing to my thigh which had bruises already appearing from the surface. They were in the shape of a hand and single lines of blue began showing.

"Oh my God. I'm always here for you if you need me," She engulfed me into a hug and my arms wrapped around her.

Tears began dripping down my face onto her clothes. I sobbed on her for about twenty minutes until all I felt was numb.

How could he have done that to me?

My body went from sadness to rage and my veins filled with anger.

"Thankyou Addi," I sniffled lifting of her.

She made me a hot drink to go with the hot state I was in. My hair was all tangled, my face was all puffy, my top had marks from me crying and my thighs would be a constant reminder of what happened until they faded away.


"It's okay I'll be fine don't worry," I reassured the girl standing infront of me.

"Are you sure? I can stay here for the night" She asked with her eyes sad for me.

"Yes, go home Addi I'll call you if I need anything," I smiled trying to encourage her.

"Okay but promise to call me,"

I nodded and we did a pinky promise like we always do.

Soon, Addison left and it was just me left with my thoughts.

I put on my pajamas - Long sleeved top and bottoms.

My whole body was shaking so I tried to go to bed extra early.

7:30pm, I closed my eyes and tried to think about something better like when the group went to the beach...but it didn't work.

7:50pm, tossing and turning in my bed waiting for it to be morning already.

8pm, I was up and out of bed.

I didn't want to disturb Addi, she deserved a break from all of my problems.

Who else did I have?

The answer to that question was no one. My mom's in Spain, Dylan in England, Addi at home and my dad... Well that was a no.

Ages ago when I used to go to therapy when my parents got divorced the woman said 'never bottle things up. Let all your emotions out' so I grabbed the closest thing near me and threw it across the room.

Anger was all I felt and it felt good to let it all out. Next thing you know, I'm grabbing everything in sight and tossing it all over the place. Tears dripped down my face, into my clothes.

I carried on for a while until there was a knock at the door. It was Albert standing with a slight concern on his face.

"Darling are you alright? I heard loads of banging and-," I broke him off by hugging him tightly but not to tight because he was fragile.

I was wrong I did have someone else. Albert. The most kindest person I had ever met. Even just seeing his face helped me calm down.

"I'm sorry it's just... Come in," He did as I said, "I got.."

"You got...?"

"I got raped," I said so quietly I wasn't sure he heard.

"Oh my sweetie that's terrible. Who did it?" He wondered tears filling his eyes.


Thankyou for reading! Have a good day 💕💕

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