Chapter 15: Bad Flirting

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-Aria's POV-

Me and Dylan walked into the shop and stood in line. As we were waiting a few kids walked up and asked for a picture.

"What can I help you wi- OMG! Your Dylan O'Brien, I was wondering what that group of people were on about. Anyway what can I get you?" The cashier said blabbering on.

"Hi, can I get..." I looked over at the menu ,"Vanilla in a cup with crushed Maltesers on top. Thanks!"

"You know what I'll have the same," Dylan added and began to take out his wallet.

"Here I can pay for this. You already did so much," I disagreed, he had done so much for me already it was the least I could have done.

"Yeah, not happening," He took out his card before I could get to mine and handed it to the cashier. "I asked you so I pay," He nudged my arm playfully.

We waited for our order at the table in the left corner of the small shop. Both of is sat across from one another as we waited.

"Thankyou for tonight. I actually had fun," I said happily. Dylan just smiled at me without saying a word. The waitress came over with our ice creams.

"Hey!" The woman smiled at Dylan not even glancing at me.

"Hi," He responded. She placed the cups on the table and didn't break eye contact from him.

I sat there trying to hold in my laugh as I watched this lady try to flirt with Dylan as he just sat there. She said a few more things trying to get his attention. So I placed my elbow on the table and put my chin on my hand.

"Umm.. Thanks for the ice cream," He said politely.

"Can I get your number instead of a tip?" She asked. My eyes widened while he just looked at me.

"I'm on a date! So hard pass,"

"Oh hold on Dylan," I smirked, "Let's not lie to the poor girl. We aren't on a date he is jut really bad at flirting," Glancing at the waitress she smiled slightly.

"Aria!" He clenched his jaw. I laughed quietly but quickly covered my mouth.

"Oh I get it. Your playing hand to get. That is cute, Your that Maze guy right. What's his name again? Th- no ummm to- umm..." She trailed of trying to remember.

"Thomas?" Dylan said easily.

"No that's not it," The woman replied still thinking.

"No it is. I played him and he's Thomas," He corrected her.

"Whatever," She started playing with her hair.

I completely fell apart unable to hold my laugh in any longer. Then my 'date' started laughing to out of nowhere.

"Are you laughing at me?" She crossed her arm annoyed.

"No of cour-," He went to say but began chuckling again, " No no we are not. Right Aria?"

"No I am laughing at you," I said with a straight face. Dylan kicked me under the table, "Ouch!" I kicked him back twice as hard. "You can leave," I looked over at the waitress still with her hands folded.

"So what. No number?" Did she not just hear the whole convocation?

"Yeah sorry, that's not happening," He looked from her to me. The waitress just glared at me before walking off.

"Why would you do that. It was so uncomfortable and awkward?" Dylan asked when she couldn't not hear us anymore.

"Well I thought it was hilarious," I laughed again at the thought of her face.

He smiled as we both began to each our ice cream and talk. After a few minutes , I walked over to the trash can and then back at Dylan who was still sitting. He looked up at me confused and I smiled before running out of the door and stopping outside the big window. I looked through the window and stuck my tongue out before running off. The young man rapidly stood up throwing his thrash in the bin and began running after me. He ran faster as he heard my laughing.

"Come get me O'Brien," I shouted looking over my shoulder. Then, he picked up his pace as I hid behind a near-by wall.

"Aria?" He stopped running.

I jumped out from the behind the wall and onto his back, "Did you think I'd just leave?" Then I hopped down.

"Honestly I didn't know what you were doing," He turned and faced me.

I didn't say a thing and just looked up at him as I leaned against the brick wall behind me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Dylan asked confused.

"Did you know you had a glint of gold in your eyes?" I ignored the question.

"I did not," He responded moving closer to the wall as I backed up to it even more. He continued to move closer until out bodied were inches away from each other. Dylan looked from my lips to my eyes and moves his hands up to cup my face, the other slowly brushes against my arm.

"This is going to happen and nothing can ruin it," I thought to myself as a smirk came on his lips... Until something does.

"Aria?" A voice called out.


Ughh someone just had to ruin it 😂🖐️ it's never this easy. Who do you think it is?

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