Chapter 20: Interesting

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"Hello everyone! I'm Jimmy and your watching the Jimmy Fallon Show. I have a very special guest joining us this evening, Aria Torres but some of you might know her ad the mysterious girl from Comic Con," Jimmy said introducing me to everyone, "Thanks for joining us today!"

"No problem, thankyou for having me!" I smiled trying to hide my nerves.

"So let's start with the questions, How? How did this all happen?"  He looked at me reassuringly which made me feel more comfortable.

"To be honest I have no idea! I barely talked to Dylan. The next thing I knew, people were saying he was talking about me in interviews," Instinctively, I crossed my legs over each other.

"I've heard rumours that you didn't want to speak to Dylan at the start. Is this true?"  Jimmy asked, taking the tiniest sip of his water.

"Yes, It's true. All my life I have grew up with people saying that celebrities are fake and act different on camera, obviously It wasn't true,"

"Great! I have some pictures I  wanted to show and ask questions about. Paparazzi have caught you two together numerous of times." He clicked a button on a remote he had and pictures of us came up. One of them was us getting out of a car, laughing. Another was us at a restaurant with Dylan half way through saying something so his mouth looked funny; I hid my laugh. 

"Wow, you guys have got a lot of pics of us," I said taking a big gulp.

"Yeah, but there is one in particular I want to talk to you about," He tapped the button once and it changed over to a picture of us entering an apartment, "Whose apartment is this? Yours?"

"Yeah.. It's my house,"

"We were wondering why Dylan was seen leaving your house the day after, did he stay over?" 

I didn't think there would be this many questions, Quickly, I made something up so It didn't sound as bad, "Yeah, he um slept over on my couch,"

"Right. What's up with you two then, are you a couple or...," He trailed off as I looked at Dylan who was backstage. He just smirked at me.

"Sooo," Jimmy wondered looking at me for a response.

"Umm i-," I stuttered and my leg began going up and down out of nerves.

Dylan stood on the side of the curtains making the crowd cheer, "Oh hi!" Fallon added.  I guess Dyl saw me getting anxious so he turned the 'spot light' onto him which made me greatful, "Are you guys a couple?"

"I don't -," I went to say but the young boy interrupted me.

"Yes we are!" The audience cheered even louder but some of the girls looked sad, probably 'cause they liked him.

"We are?" I smiled slightly.

"Aria you didn't know you two were together?" The presenter asked laughing.

"Yes!" Dyl said smiling at me

"Wait, seriously?" Jimmy asked while the audience cheered louder.

"Wait are we really?" I was now facing him fully.

"Hold on a second, Aria you didn't know you and Dylan are together? Like a couple?" He frowned but smile chuckled.

"Nope I didn't," 

"Well we went on a date and everything so.." He trailed off but Jimmy interrupted him ,"I hate to say this because everything just got interesting, but we have ran out of time!"

I sighed out of relief, "Phew," I whispered while waving bye as the camera turned off.

Eventually, after talking to Jimmy I walked off the stage.  Going past Dylan, I accidently bashed into his shoulder but before I could say sorry one of the producers began talking to me, "Wow, things hot heated it made me want to find out more! The fans will defiantly want to know what's going on with you two,"

"Yeah, I'm sure they will all find out soon: especially with the paparazzi," We both laughed as someone came over; probably a director and whispered something in her ear, "I would love to chat more but I have to go!" She exclaimed running off.

"Don't worry about it, see you later!" I called back.

I saw Dylan shuffling his feet around with his hands in his pocket so I went over to see if he was okay ,"Hey what's wrong?"

"It's just I said you were my girlfriend and you probably don't want to be or your mad at me for saying that. Is that why you brushed past me earlier? I'll just sa-," He blabbered on but I cut him of by kissing him. After a few seconds, I broke it , reluctantly but I didn't want anyone seeing. 

"Does that answer your questions?" I smiled as he nodded ,"But if you are going to be my boyfriend you are going to have to ask properly," I giggled as he got on his left knee.

"Aria Torres, will you do the absolute honour of being my girlfriend?"



I didn't do the right knee cuz I'm saving that for another time.. if u know what I mean lmao

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