Chapter 25: Careful

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My eyes nearly popped out of my head. Instantly my head turned the opposite way.

"Torres, you okay?" Dylan asked as I gripped onto the steering wheel.


My head turned back to him and he looked at me. I froze not knowing what to do.

He waved slightly as the lights turned green and his car drove off. I sat there without moving. Some of the cars began to honk at me which made me focus back on the road and I hit the gas.

"Who was that person in the car then?" Dyl wondered putting his hand on my thigh.

"No one," I replied quickly and made a left turn.

He could tell I didn't want to talk about it so he changed the subject, "What do you wanna do now?"

"Just chill at my house if you don't mind,"

"Of course not,"

Dylan's phone buzzed and he got it out of his pocket to answer the message. After about 2 minutes of typing he looked at me, "Are you busy next weekend?"

"Nope I don't think so," I said pulled into the parking lot.

"Great, we can meet my friends then," He seemed so excited about seeing them but I was really nervous.

"Cool! It's going to be so fun," Even though I was anxious, I didn't want to ruin it for Dyl so I went along with it.

We got out of the car and went up to my apartment. I grabbed my keys and unlocked the door.

Me and Dylan chilled for a while, "When is that party we have to go to again?"

"Pretty sure it's the 10th why?" He answered flicking through the tv channels.

"Oh okay... Wait! Today is the tenth!" I exclaimed panicking.

"What time is it meant to start?" Dylan wondered.

"7 and the time now is," I looked over at the clock on the wall, "6:10! I need to get ready,"

"Don't worry we have plenty of time," He crossed his legs over.

"Plenty of time! I need to shower, do my hair and makeup-," I went to carry on but he cut me off.

"Does the shower include a plus one?" He wiggled his eyebrows and smirked.

I rolled my eyes and hit his arm playfully, "No Dyl it doesn't.. Well only if you can't catch me." I stood up and ran into my room he instantly grabbed me and began tickling me as I tried to get free of his grasp, "Hey that's not fair!"

"Haha! I got you," He ran into my bedroom and put me onto my bed while still tickling me.

"St-," I laughed uncontrollably, "Stop!" Eventually, he did stop and lay on his back next to me. Slowly, he leaned over and kissed my lips. As things were getting heated, i pulled back, "I need to go and get ready,"

I went into the bathroom but left the door ajar. Turning on the shower, I began taking of my top and I could feel Dylan's eyes on me. I took of my trousers and kicked the door shut so he couldn't see me anymore.

The condensation filled the room fast. I quickly washed my hair, shaved and hopped back out.

When I walked out of the bathroom in my towel, I could feel little beads of water on my back.

Dylan was lying on my bed with his eyes shut, so I quickly put on my underwear and robe.

I went back into the bathroom and plugged in my hairdryer by the mirror so I could see what I was doing.

The warm air dried my hair pretty fast. However I'm pretty sure it woke up Dyl because he came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist with his head on my shoulder.

"Good morning," I laughed as I plugged in the straighteners.

"Heyyy," He carried out the 'y' and sat on top of the counter.

I turned on the straighteners, "Be careful these are warming up,"

He nodded and rested against the wall.

Once the straighteners were hot, I got a peice of hair and ran it through. Dylan was watching me closely, probably cause he had no idea how to do it.

"Can I try?" He asked getting off the counter.

"Sure," I passed them over to him, "Hold it here and run it through my hair so it's straight.

"Okay, I've got this," He exclaimed taking them, "Right then.. OW!"

"What happened," I span around and grabbed his finger, "Dyl! I said be careful,"

"I know, I know. Don't worry I'll be okay,"

"No way!" I ran into the kitchen and grabbed the medical kit. Opening it, I took out a bandaid and wrapped it around his finger, "It might hurt for a bit but it should be okay,"

He smiled at me, "Aww your so cute when your worried about me,"

Around 10 minutes later, I finished my hair and makeup while Dylan watched. We both went into my bedroom and got our outfits.

Dylan wore a button up white top with black trousers.

I wore a pink, sparkly, short dress with pink, high shoes.

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When I walked out Dylan's mouth dropped open

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When I walked out Dylan's mouth dropped open.

"Careful there your gonna drool," I laughed.

"You look stunning!" He complimented smiling.

"Thankyou! You look great too. Ready to go?" I grabbed my bag and put in my necesites.


We went outside and got in the car, this was going to be a long night


What do u think is gonna happen? Don't be shy to comment ideas for me to write 😂😂
Ty for all the views/votes 💕🤪

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